About Us
Understanding, managing, and using data — often large amounts of unstructured data — is becoming increasingly important in nearly every industry, government sector, and academic domain. Not having the skills and infrastructure to apply data science reliably has become a major risk in itself. NC State is uniquely positioned to help our state provide national leadership in this important sector.

NC State’s Data Science Initiative expands our research, teaching and outreach efforts in data science and analytics by:
- integrating our existing capabilities;
- improving data science education, in both methods and applications;
- enhancing human and physical resources; and
- facilitating internal and external partnerships
Interdisciplinary Data Science (IDS) is sponsored by the NC State University Office of Research and Innovation to create a nationally recognized hub of excellence in data science and analytics. Founded in 2014 as the Disciplinary Science Initiative, we seek to enhance internal capabilities and better enable faculty, students and researchers to use and further data science methods and applications to help ideas become solutions. IDS further seeks to strengthen internal collaboration and external partnerships by raising awareness about internal resources, educational programs at the undergraduate, graduate and professional development levels, and by improving existing data science infrastructure across campus.
Contact us at:
Interdisciplinary Data Science
Poulton Innovation Center
1021 Main Campus Drive, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27606
Twitter: @ncstate_dsi
Email ncstate-dsi@ncsu.edu