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Oct 3, 2018

Chancellor’s Innovation Fund Now Accepting Pre-Proposals

Now is the time for faculty to submit pre-proposals for Chancellor’s Innovation Fund awards, which support short-term commercially focused research projects.

Oct 3, 2018

New Electric Car Charger is More Efficient, 10 Times Smaller Than Current Tech

A new electric vehicle fast charger is at least 10 times smaller than existing systems and wastes 60 percent less power during the charging process, without sacrificing the charging time.

Alumni Gateway near sunset

Oct 2, 2018

NC State Mathematicians Earn $2.1M Research Grant to Study Randomized Algorithms

The team will work to address challenges in scientific computing and to train students in how to effectively communicate their research.

CTE Fellows

Oct 2, 2018

$2 Million Grant from ECMC Foundation Will Enhance Research on Career and Technical Education

The ECMC Foundation has awarded the NC State College of Education a $2 million, three-year grant to enhance and strengthen postsecondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) research at universities nationwide through the establishment of the CTE Research Program at NC State-Sponsored by ECMC Foundation.

Paul Mugge, CIMS executive director, discusses next steps of the project with ACA members during an August 2018 progress update meeting at NC State.

Oct 1, 2018

CIMS-led Project Builds on IBM Watson Technology to Help Advance Sustainability in Coatings Industry

CIMS team is applying NC State’s data science expertise to help American Coatings Association achieve sustainability goals

Dr. Michael Kudenov and graduate student work in Optical Sensing Lab.

Sep 28, 2018

In our labs

A helium neon laser, Nikon imaging lenses, Horiba micro-HR motorized monochromator, and a DLP-based arbitrary spectrum generator. These are just some of the optical sensing and spectral measurement tools you will find in the Optical Sensing Lab (OSL).

Sep 28, 2018

A bright idea

The NSF FREEDM Systems Center marks 10 years of innovation on how we use electricity.

Sep 27, 2018

With $28M+ in Grants Awarded in FY2018, NC State Education Faculty Set New Record

NC State College of Education faculty were awarded 44 research grants by external sources in FY2018 totaling $28,038,462. That is the most in grants awarded to faculty in a single year in the college’s 91-year history.

Photo of a bumble bee on a sunflower.

Sep 26, 2018

Sunflower Pollen Has Medicinal, Protective Effects on Bees

If you’re looking to keep bees healthy from harmful pathogens, it might be time to call in the sunflowers.

Sep 25, 2018

Minogue Receives NSF Grant to Reimagine Physics Teaching in Preservice Educators

Associate Professor James Minogue will receive $733,000 over three years as part of a National Science Foundation (NSF) EHR Core Research grant entitled “Preservice Educators Reimagining Core Experiences in Physics Teaching (PERCEPT).” The grant targets two focal areas of the EHR Core Research program: STEM learning and learning environment and STEM workforce development.