Artificial Intelligence
NC State believes that data science is for everyone. By teaching data science methods to as many of our students as possible, we are equipping them with the tools to make informed decisions to improve outcomes. Data science and artificial intelligence are relevant for military decision-makers to develop more efficient and ethical protocols, create faster ways to move personnel, and gather life-saving information.
Centers, Institutes, Labs and Facilities
Bioinformatics Research Center (BRC)
The BRC focuses on the intersection between biology, statistics, and computer science. When the BRC was founded in 2000, it was with the understanding that quantitative methods applied to massive datasets are essential to the comprehension of the genomic structure of even the simplest organisms. The BRC boasts strong relationships with industrial partners and other academic or government organizations in the Research Triangle Park area.
Center for Geospatial Analytics
The Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State is the foremost interdisciplinary research and teaching center of its kind in the nation. We offer the only Ph.D. program in geospatial analytics in the U.S. We work alongside top researchers, policy experts and leaders in industry to apply geospatial analytics to a host of problems — from preparing for floods to controlling the spread of invasive species.
EngageAI Institute
The EngageAI Institute conducts research on narrative-centered learning technologies, embodied conversational agents, and multimodal learning analytics to create deeply engaging collaborative story-based learning experiences.
Laboratory for Analytic Sciences (LAS)
LAS is a partnership between the intelligence community and NC State that develops innovative technology and tradecraft to help solve mission-relevant problems. Founded in 2013 by the National Security Agency and NC State, each year LAS brings together collaborators from three sectors – industry, academia and government – to conduct research that has a direct impact on national security.
Data Science Academy
The Data Science Academy works to accelerate data-intensive discovery, teaching and service. The academy is a key enabler for increasing skills, capability and involvement by faculty, students and staff, as well as industry and government partners.
Artificial Intelligence Academy
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Academy connects transitioning military personnel with skills that are critical for roles in sectors like artificial intelligence and machine learning. Supported by a four-year, $6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, the AI Academy is one of the labor department’s current 28 public-private apprenticeship programs.
Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science is one of the oldest dedicated computer science departments in the nation. Their research in the science and technology of computing advances technological discovery. They equip their students to be competitive, to succeed in their profession, and to create meaningful societal change.
Foundations of Data Science
NC State’s Master’s degree in Foundations of Data Science helps meet the demand for a new breed of data science professionals. MSFDS is a terminal professional degree program based on coursework and integrated professional development activities. The program equips graduates with both depth and breadth, balanced across three core disciplines lying at the heart of data science.
Institute for Advanced Analytics
The Institute for Advanced Analytics works to produce the world’s finest analytics and data science professionals. Home to the nation’s first Master of Science in Analytics degree program, they teach methods of mathematics and statistical programming and nurture a passion for working with data.