Guidelines for Trainees
Information for Oral Presenters
- Please prepare a 10 min presentation. You will have 2 minutes for answering questions after your 10 min presentation. Your session chairs will time your presentation and will give you a visible sign when you have 1 min left. Please, do not exceed the 10 min limit as we will have to ask you to stop so we can remain on time.
- Please look at the attached schedule. The time of your presentation is indicated. If you have a serious conflict and need to change your presentation time, you must tell me by January 22nd.
- Upload your PowerPoint slides to this Google folder by January 30th at the latest. You can make modifications to your slides until the start of your session but you are in charge of ensuring that the correct file has been uploaded into the Google folder by the start of your session.
- Name your presentation using your last name so we can rapidly identify your presentation and line up your talk.
- The Google folder containing your presentations will be deleted at the end of the day on January 31st.
- I suggest that you test your slides before your talk. To do so, please find me, Dr Audrey Fikes, Kaleb Decker or Janice Bush. We will line up your talk so you can check the slides. The computer available is a PC laptop.
- Bring a backup talk on a flash drive!
Information for Poster Presenters
The dimensions of the poster boards are 6 feet wide by 4 feet tall. This is the maximum size that your poster may be, but it is not a required size. It may be smaller if you prefer.
You will set up your poster between 8:00 and 8:30 am, before the first session of oral presentations begins, or during the scheduled breaks between talks (9:30 – 9:45 and 10:45 – 11:00). This is to avoid noises in the poster area while our speakers are presenting.
Information for Session Chairs
Thank you so much for accepting to chair sessions!
- Please review the schedule attached to this email. It lists the sessions you will be responsible to chair. If you have a conflict, please let me know ASAP.
- I created pairs of volunteers to chair each session. You will sit in the front row during your session. One of you will read the name of the speaker and the title of their talk. This should only take a few seconds. The other will time the presentation. After the speaker has spoken for 9 min, you will give them a visible sign (raise your arm tall, stand up, whatever is very noticeable). Once the speaker has spoken for 10 min, you will stand up and advance toward the side of hte stage. If the speaker keeps talking for more than a few seconds, I will intervene.
- You will request questions from the audience. In order of priority, trainees get to ask their questions first, then our guest Dr Gersbach and finally anyone else.
- Those of you who will line up the talks (Janice and Kaleb). I will have a PC laptop on the lectern. I will download all the talks onto the desktop and organize them into “session 1, 2, 3 and 4”. About 15 min before the start of the session, you will open all the talks and minimize them so the speakers can easily access their talk. If the speakers want to “test their slides” they have to do so at least 15 min prior to the start of their session.