Wilmington tech startup to pitch to investors in Silicon Valley

A Wilmington-based tech startup is gearing up to pitch to investors in Silicon Valley next week.
KWIPPED, an online marketplace offering equipment rental, was selected out of more than 400 applicants to pitch their company at the Silicon Valley Open Doors Tech Conference.
Founder and CEO Robert Preville said Friday the conference is KWIPPED’s chance to get on stage and tell the company’s story. The goal is gaining interest from tier 1 investors attending the conference.
“The five-minute pitch opportunity is essentially a commercial. It’s a limited window to tell the story,” Preville said. “We’re spending quite a bit of time trying to figure out exactly what we want to say and how we want to say it, but at the end of the day, I think no matter what we say, the story is pretty strong.”
Preville said KWIPPED was surprised to learn it was selected, but is excited by the opportunity. He said startup opportunities are growing in Wilmington, citing several successful companies like Live Oak and Untappd.
“There’s a very strong entrepreneurial spirit in town,” Preville said. “There’s a lot of very talented people here. I think Wilmington is being put on the map and it’s being put on the map quickly when it comes to entrepreneurship.”
KWIPPED launched its website in 2015. The company helps facilitate rentals to laboratories, medical offices, engineering firms and other businesses.
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