NC State’s military-friendly faculty and students bring an eager research mindset to focus on big national security issues.
Alyson Wilson
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Physical Address
200 Poulton Innovation Center
1021 Main Campus Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27606
Mailing Address
NC State University
Campus Box 7018
Raleigh, NC 27695-7018
Whether it’s finding funding, pursuing partnerships, or landing the perfect internship, we’re here to help you complete your mission. For more information about any of these resources, or for assistance in developing relationships with defense-related organizations, please contact us:
- Proposal Development Unit Department of Defense Resources – An internal resource for NC State employees.
- National Laboratory Initiative – NC State actively collaborates with many national laboratories to support our educational mission and further research discovery.
- Educational Partnership Agreements – EPAs allow organizations to start conversations about how to collaborate and may eventually lead to funding. NC State and the UNC System have EPAs with several defense-related organizations, including the 75th Army Reserve Innovation Command; Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division; XVIII Airborne Corps (Army); Army Research Laboratory; National Security Agency; AFWERX (Air Force); and the National Security Innovation Network.
- Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding – The UNC System has MOA/MOUs to facilitate the development of relationships with DoD organizations. These include the United States Army Special Operations Command; Marine Forces Special Operations Command; Marine Corps Fleet Readiness Center East; North Carolina National Guard; Bunker Labs (supporting veteran entrepreneurship); and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Hiring Our Heroes (supporting student veteran employment).
- NC State is a member of six consortia that help identify funding opportunities for members:
- North Carolina Center for Optimizing Military Performance, supporting opportunities for soldier health and performance;
- Institute of Applied Engineering Academic Consortium, supporting opportunities with the Special Operations Commands;
- Pathfinder Airborne, supporting opportunities to collaborate with the 82nd Airborne;
- Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Consortium, focused on rapid prototyping of countering WMD efforts;
- TradewindsAI, focused on AI/ML solutions for the DoD; and
- Advanced Functional Fabrics of America, for advanced fiber and fabric technology and manufacturing development.
- Cooperative Research and Development Agreements – A CRADA is an agreement between a government agency and the university to partner together on specific research and development. No funding is exchanged under a CRADA, but each organization provides people, facilities, equipment, and other resources to support its own researchers. Recent CRADAs with NC State include
- Army Aviation Development Directorate (Eustis) for materials development;
- Army Natick Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center for textiles development; and
- Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, focused on measuring the impact of textiles on human physiology in military environments.
Internship Opportunities
Start your internship or job search today. Career development resources at NC State prepare and empower students to pursue ideal employment opportunities.