eRA Project Calendar: It’s For YOU!
Contributed by: Jessica Burnette and Kim Dick
Did you know there is a calendar dedicated to eRA Project events? The Project Teams have created a calendar to help you find out about events that are relevant to you throughout the project. The calendar is located on the eRA project site and can be easily accessed by anyone with a Unity ID! Read on to find out how to access the eRA calendar and how to add events from the calendar to your own Google Calendar.
Currently, on the calendar you can find times and dates for each focus group, including who each focus group is directed toward and how to sign up. All presentations about the project will be added to the eRA calendar as they become available.
As the project progresses, you can use the eRA calendar to find out when vendors come on site for vendor demonstrations and when training opportunities are available. As needed, any and all relevant events will be added to the calendar and you don’t want to miss them…
So, let’s get you set up!
The full calendar is located on the eRA Project homepage, here.
If you scroll to the middle of the page you will see the “eRA Events” heading like below:
You will also see a list of upcoming eRA events listed on the homepage.
To see a full list of current eRA events, select ”View Full eRA Events Calendar” (highlighted in red above).
If you would prefer to view a full Google Calendar, select “View on Google Calendar” (highlighted in blue above).
You can also add events from the calendar to your own Google Calendar by following these steps:
Select “View on Google Calendar”
Select an upcoming event you would like to add
In the popup box, click “copy to my calendar” (highlighted in green below)
When your Google Calendar comes up, click “Save” to finish the process.
As the eRA calendar grows, you will be able to find events easily on the homepage, and through the steps above. Remember, this calendar is for you! If you have any issues accessing the calendar, you can comment here and we will be glad to provide support.
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