Our ERA System Now Has its Own Name
In case you haven’t noticed, our ERA system now has a name — the Research Enterprise Data system. So please don’t be confused if you’ve seen this name being used.
“It was important to give our system a name — to brand it and make it feel more personal to the NC State community,” says Sherrie Settle, director of sponsored programs and member of the project management team. “The team brainstormed ideas and received suggestions from our offices. Research Enterprise Data (RED) was derived from a suggestion K. Stone in SPARCS Operations offered. We liked how clearly the system’s purpose is reflected, as well as the tie-in with NC State’s colors.”
To be clear, though, you will continue to see the term “ERA” in our official communications about the project while we introduce “RED” to the campus community — especially in places, like this blog, that have been covering the ERA Project since it began.
This is still the Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) Project — a project to implement a new, enterprise-level software system for NC State research administration — but that system will now be called by its name, the Research Enterprise Data (“RED” for short) system. So don’t be surprised when you see both “ERA” and “RED” being used in our communications. For example, you’ll see “Research Enterprise Data” in all the titles within the system and on official training materials, but the URL used to access the system will be: era.ncsu.edu (because this had to be determined prior to our ERA system being given its own name).
Stay tuned to this blog and your email inbox for more up-to-date information about the ERA Project, and please use the comments section below to let us know what you think or submit any questions you may have.
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