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The RSC meets as a full group at least four times a year, typically in February, May, September and November. The annual kickoff meeting and other special events are held in person whenever possible, but we also strive to provide a virtual/hybrid attendance option for all meetings.

Upcoming Meetings

The following RSC meetings are currently planned:

  • May 13, 2025 | Fully Virtual

Please keep in mind these dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information on future RSC meetings, check your university Google Calendar. If you don’t see the meetings on your calendar, make sure to become an RSC member so we can add you to the RSC Google Group.

Meeting Records

RSC meetings often feature important updates from the Office of Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance (SPARCS), the Office of Contracts and Grants, and other units. In our meeting records, you can find agendas, presentation slides and other resources from recent years past; an NC State Unity ID is required to access most of these resources.


February 13 (RSC Kickoff)


November 12

September 10

Held at the NC Plant Sciences Initiative building with a Zoom conferencing option for virtual/hybrid attendees.

May 13

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

February 12 (RSC Kickoff)

Held at the Talley Student Union Mountains Ballroom with a Zoom conferencing option for virtual/hybrid attendees.


November 14

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

September 12

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

May 9

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

February 14 (RSC Kickoff)

Held at the McKimmon Conference Center, with a Zoom conferencing option for virtual/hybrid attendees.


November 8

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

September 13

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

May 10

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

February 15 (RSC Kickoff)

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.


November 9

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

September 14

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

May 11

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

February 9 (RSC Kickoff)

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.


September 30

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

July 14 (Special Q+A)

This special event, held virtually via Zoom conferencing, covered ways to deal with difficulties in the virtual workplace, as well as things to consider related to NC State’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) during COVID-19.

Presentations and other resources:

May 12

Held virtually via Zoom conferencing.

February 11 (RSC Kickoff)

Held at Talley Student Union (Mountains Ballroom).


November 12 (Special Q+A)

This special event, held in the Piedmont/Mountains Ballroom of Talley Student Union, featured a discussion about SciENcv and ORCID.

October 9 (Research Administration Retreat)

Held at Talley Student Union (Mountains Ballroom).

July 25 (Volunteer Event)

Held at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.

  • Written recap

May 14

Held at the Wilson College of Textiles (Convocation Center).

February 12 (RSC Kickoff)

Held at Talley Student Union (Coastal Ballroom).

For older meeting records, access our archive.