North Carolina State University and the Wireless Research Center of North Carolina agree to collaborate on commercial opportunities from research at NCSU

For Immediate Release
Raleigh, N.C. – The NC State University Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) and the Wireless Research Center of NC (WRCNC) have agreed to collaborate to develop commercial opportunities for emerging wireless technology research currently under way at NC State.
The agreement focuses principally on commercializing technology in the wireless space as well as fields that may have direct wireless applications, such as computing, medical, defense, materials and energy technologies.
“The Office of Technology Transfer recognizes the significant potential of working together with the Wireless Research Center. This initiative can greatly accelerate the commercialization of NC State discoveries in the wireless space,” explained Dr. Kelly Sexton, Director of the OTT.

“We believe this partnership drives commercial value for our research in a manner that has not previously been explored at a time when wireless technology is at the center of many existing and new fields,” commented Dr. Dinesh Divakaran, Licensing Associate with the OTT.
The WRCNC has renowned experts, sophisticated wireless test chambers and equipment which add unique value to the North Carolina region, and which will assist with further development of numerous projects underway at NC State University.
“We have a collection of technology experts and business leaders in-house, along with numerous external resources which will create an excellent environment for accelerating research to commercialization,” said Dr. Gerard Hayes, CEO and President of the WRCNC.
The WRCNC began as a visionary economic development initiative sponsored by the Town of Wake Forest and the GoldenLEAF Foundation. The center became fully operational in 2012 with the commissioning of the Satimo SG64 RF and Antenna testing chamber, one of only two in the world operating with its full range specifications.
Beyond testing, the WRCNC team conducts product and regulatory studies for large and small clients – from the region and around the world. Additionally, long range research, regulation mapping and planning and intellectual property expansion are supported. The WRC team is composed of innovators in wireless who are the inventors of over 100 issued patents.
“NC State leadership in technology transfer and entrepreneurship has been well documented and validated in the number of start-ups and commercial successes generated by the University. This experience will be utilized and applied to this endeavor while adding the benefit of the specific resources of the WRCNC, creating a unique partnership of innovation and commercialization,” said Lawrence Steffann, GM of the WRCNC.
About NC State’s Office of Technology Transfer: NC State’s Office of Technology Transfer evaluates university-developed technology, with an eye for commercial potential within existing companies or as the basis for startup company formation. Venture Development, within OTT, provides company launch support through customized services that develop the strategic plan for commercialization, build the team, and assist in finding funding mechanisms to continue growth. Learn more at
About Wireless Research Center of North Carolina: the WRC supports a global customer base which offer wireless products over a diverse range of applications from remotely placed transceivers to near-body, on-body, and in-body medical devices. The unique environment of the WRC fosters collaboration within industry partners and with other academic/research organizations. Learn more at
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