Submit a Disclosure
New Disclosure Portal Now Available!
The ORC is excited to announce our new Innovator’s Portal. We hope you will enjoy the new interface.
Tips for Navigating the New Interface
When you first log in, you’ll see two new sections:
Inventor Homepage: Here you can find all of your previously accepted disclosures, whether from the old or new system. Disclosures from the old system will have a number in the format 12345, whereas disclosures started in the new system will use the format 2020-123.
Your Disclosures: Here you can find all of your disclosures that were submitted using the new system, along with their status. Once a new disclosure has been accepted, a corresponding record will appear in the Inventor Homepage section.
If you cannot view your previous disclosures upon logging in, please contact us. We can resolve the issue quickly.

To submit a new disclosure: In the “Tasks” box, select “New Disclosure” and then follow the prompts.
Please note that disclosure signatures will now be collected using DocuSign.
Although it is always recommend to use the NC State VPN when submitting confidential material, access to the new portal is not restricted to the VPN. If you need help installing or using the VPN, please contact your department’s IT staff or the NC State Help Desk.
Note to Department Heads and Associate Deans for Research: A new interface for accessing disclosures from your department/college is coming soon. We’ll post more details here in the coming days.