NC State OTT has high rankings in national survey of innovation metrics

NC State’s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) has once again achieved high rankings in innovation metrics collected by the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). NC State’s OTT ranks in the top ten for commercialization agreements executed (2nd), invention disclosures received (7th), startups formed (7th) and US Patents Issued (9th) among all tech transfer offices at universities without medical schools. OTT also received $6.78M in licensing revenue in fiscal year 2013, high enough for a No. 11 ranking. The results come from AUTM’s fiscal year 2013 survey of approximately 200 universities and research hospitals.
While comparable data for FY2014 will not be available until next year, OTT has collected its own metrics for the year including record numbers for startups formed (10), commercialization agreements executed (145), and a 5-year record for total patents filed (186). These numbers can be viewed on OTT’s interactive dashboard.
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