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RED SP Modules: Queries and Reporting for CROs
July 26, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
This 1 hour instructor-led course gives NC State administrators an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system and SAS VA tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, the structure of a record in PAM, and intro to SAS VA.
This training is for those who use RADAR for reporting will transition to RED at NC State.
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https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/92827738560?pwd=anZXSVMyaUR0NFhQQ1lKR05uMzFMdz09 (ID: 92827738560, passcode: 320252)
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(US) +1 651-372-8299 (passcode: 320252)
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92827738560@zoomcrc.com (passcode: 320252)
Joining instructions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://applications.zoom.us/addon/invitation/detail?meetingUuid%3D2lpAIez6QnWnfN6vjmi1rA%253D%253D%26signature%3D4bd5c7a9a78003201d59d2e128fd78f250b288eda9d3e1c960647a3b67ef37cf%26v%3D1&sa=D&source=calendar&usg=AOvVaw0WNRRxrIACqwcIdT94o-Y4
Meeting host: kmullan@ncsu.edu
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