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RED: Frequently Asked Questions | Research Education

RED: Frequently Asked Questions

You might need to clear your cache or change browsers. For optimal performance when using RED, we recommend Google Chrome.

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, call the SPARCS Helpline at 919.515.4267.

RED makes use of pop-up windows, so an important step in using the system is enabling pop-ups in your browser of choice. Refer to this guide for browser-specific instructions on how to make pop-ups open in a new tab by default.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Our other General Resources might be able to help.

Sponsored Programs Modules

Add the “Project ID” widget to your RED home screen if you need to search by Project ID (Ledger 5) number. Refer to the Customizing the RED Home Screen guide for instructions on how to add a new widget to your home screen.

RED’s “Search All Records” functionality allows you to search by either of these criteria. Click Search All Records > Proposals and then select RADAR Number or PINS Number

RED captures more proposal content in fields rather than attachments, so RED has different security settings than the legacy system RADAR did. 

If the project records you can see in RED don’t provide the information you need, the Sponsored Research Activity Reporting (SRAR) viewer might be able to help; you can filter by sponsor, researcher, college, department and other criteria. 

If neither RED nor SRAR seems to have what you need, SPARCS might be able to either change your security access or retrieve the information for you. Please email with a brief description of the business need. PI name, sponsor, sponsor award number and RADAR reference number are especially helpful if available. For non-researchers who require access to sponsored programs records in RED, including attachments, please make sure your email includes the OUC (2-digit, 4-digit or 6-digit). 

The Peoplesoft Financials system includes links to PAM records, which will direct you to RED. Watch this demonstration to see how it works.

There are three ways to look up your PAM number, by starting with a PINS number, Proposal number or Project ID. 

For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Looking Up Record Numbers guide.

To determine a project’s status once you have the record open in RED, check the Award Activity Pane. Refer to the Locating Status History guide for step-by-step instructions.

If you need to locate the record first, you can search for it with the Proposal or PAM record number. Refer to the Locating a Proposal and PAM Record guide for step-by-step instructions.

If you don’t already know your record number, refer to the Looking Up Record Numbers guide.

For College Research Offices

Before submitting a request for a pre-award spending account, you’ll need to find the Proposal Tracking record in RED to determine the COI disclosure status of all listed personnel.

Use the Pre-Award Spending Request widget to create a request; you might need to add this widget first (refer to the Customizing the RED Home Screen guide for instructions on how to add a new widget to your home screen).

Refer to the Requesting a Pre-Award Spending Account guide for further instructions on how to request a pre-award spending account.

Use the Requesting an Internal Funds Distribution widget to create a request; you might need to add this widget first (refer to the Customizing the RED Home Screen guide for instructions on how to add a new widget to your home screen).

Refer to the Requesting an Internal Funds Distribution guide for step-by-step instructions on how to request an internal funds distribution through RED.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Our other resources might be able to help you with RED’s Sponsored Programs modules.

Compliance Modules

Conflict of Interest (COI/NOI)

You will receive confirmation via email; the email will instruct you whether further action is required as part of the disclosure review process. You can also view the status of your COI disclosure by using the COI Annual Disclosure widget, shown below (refer to the Customizing the RED Home Screen guide for instructions on how to add a new widget to your home screen).

Contact if you have questions about the status of your COI disclosure.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Our other resources might be able to help you with RED’s Conflict of Interest (COI/NOI) module. For policy-related information, visit the Research Compliance website.

Animal Care and Use (IACUC)

Depending on your role, you may not receive direct confirmation upon submission. If you want to check the status of the protocol during the review process, go to “Quick Find” and enter the protocol number. When you open the protocol, the submission status is in the top-right of the page, under “PI name.”

The RED system allows principal investigators to copy their existing protocol to generate a 3-year rewrite. However, the information in the protocol must be fully updated prior to submission per this guidance from the IACUC Office.

NOTE: You must also ensure a Final Animal Usage has been submitted for the previous 3-year period covered by the rewrite; new 3-year rewrites will not be approved until the IACUC Office has received the final animal usage document.

In order for your protocol to be properly reviewed by the IACUC and approved in a timely manner, you should take time to rewrite the protocol as much as needed — using it as an opportunity to make adjustments to the project and the work being done.

Some of the most common components/sections of the protocol that require updates include:

  • Personnel
  • Animal Usage Numbers
    • Numbers should be recalculated to reflect the anticipated animal numbers for the next three years. The total should not include animals used on the former protocol.
  • Justification(s)
    • “Ongoing” is not sufficient justification.
  • Amendments
  • Attachments
    • RMHCs and BUAs must be updated.

For details on what you’re required to update as part of a 3-year rewrite, refer to this guidance from the IACUC Office. Refer to the Generating a 3-year Rewrite guide for step-by-step instructions on how to submit a 3-year rewrite in RED.

Visit the Research Compliance website for more information.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Our other resources might be able to help you with RED’s Animal Care and Use (IACUC) module. For policy-related information, visit the Research Compliance website.