Education and Training Hub
What can we help you with?
Our Education and Training Hub is home to the majority of our custom-developed courses, along with other helpful resources and related content.
Here, you’ll find access to our on-demand resources — including webinars, eLearning modules and more —as well as archived or recorded resources from past live events. To see upcoming events, check our calendar or visit our RA Development Plan.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please visit our Contact page or email
Proposal Development and Submission
The first step to any sponsored research project is developing and submitting the proposal. We offer many opportunities and resources related to finding funding, preparing proposals, developing budgets and more.
Finding Funding
The university has a number of units devoted to helping researchers find funding, including the Research Development Office (RDO). To learn more about what’s involved in this critical first step of the award lifecycle, access the resources below.
Industry Funded Research Overview
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of industry-funded research, including what makes research relationships with an industry or foundation partner unique.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Request for Proposals
This 30-minute eLearning module is designed to help research administrators improve their knowledge, workflows and daily practices related to RFPs.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: eLearning Module
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Panel Discussion
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is implementing a new DMSP that will go into effect for any applications due January 2023 and beyond. A panel of experts shared their knowledge on these policy changes and their impact on the NC State research community.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
NIH Fundamentals Workshop
This 3+ hour workshop provides a primary basis of understanding of applications. Expert panelists walk through the grants process and give an overview of key resources and websites to be a successful applicant.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Preparing a Proposal
Preparing a proposal correctly is crucial to its success. NC State University Libraries provides research support to all faculty, and NC State’s Proposal Development Unit (PDU) can help researchers craft proposals for awards worth $1M or more.
Who Can Serve as a Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI?
In the simplest terms possible, a PI or co-PI is a person designated by the university and approved by the sponsor who has substantively complementary responsibility for the scientific or technical direction of all or a portion of a project.
An individual can only be a PI or co-PI pursuant to the guidance articulated in NC State University POL 10.00.02 or as authorized under an approved exception.
NC State University ID Numbers and References
The university maintains a comprehensive list of ID numbers and other reference information commonly required throughout the proposal submission, award setup, and project management and reporting processes.
SciENcv and ORCID (NC State University Libraries)
Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is an electronic system that researchers can use to create and maintain biosketches — documents highlighting the qualifications of key personnel for a specific role in a proposed grant project, which must be submitted with NIH and NSF grant applications and annual reports.
SciENcv pulls information from other systems, including MyNCBI, ORCID and eRA commons, allowing researchers to quickly create or recreate a biosketch for each grant application or annual report.
External Resources
- NC State University Libraries: SciENcv and ORCID Resources
- NCURA Webinar: ORCID and the OSTP Guidance on NSPM-33
NIH Grant Writing Webinar Series (National Institutes of Health)
Learn suggestions for navigating the process of seeking NIH funding. You will also learn considerations for determining research idea and grant writing readiness, selecting opportunities to apply for, effectively writing your grant application and seeking appropriate feedback.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Contract Terms: Reviewing Solicitations for Problematic Conditions
Recognize key legal terms in award contracts. Knowing these terms — and the effects and consequences they may have — can help avoid costly outcomes.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Developing a Budget
The Office of Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance (SPARCS) provides budgeting guidance for researchers and research administrators to follow. View additional resources below.
Proposal Budget Development
This 1-hour eLearning module provides extensive, in-depth information about developing proposal budgets at NC State. It is specifically designed to help research administrators improve their knowledge, workflows and practical applications.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Calculating Total Federal Funds Awarded (TFFA)
This 30-minute eLearning module provides extensive, in-depth information about TFFA — a cap on the amount an organization can be reimbursed for F&A based on the full amount of an award. It explains how the changes brought on by the 2018 Farm Bill have impacted budgeting — and shows relatable calculations.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Developing Compelling Budget Justifications
This NCURA webinar teaches how to craft a budget justification that not only conforms to Uniform Guidance expectations but also effectively establishes the credibility of the proposed project. It is designed for individuals who have at least two years of experience with proposal writing or are responsible for assisting faculty with proposal development.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Equipment and Fabricated Equipment Q+A
This recorded webinar features a Q+A session in which NC State panelists answer questions on purchasing, accounting, and best practices for equipment and fabricated equipment.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
National Science Foundation (NSF) Submission Best Practices
Marissa Clarkson gives updates on the NSF submission process, including current capabilities and future functionality of Also included are a demo and helpful tips from the audience.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Participant Support Costs
This presentation, from a discussion facilitated in conjunction with representatives from the college research offices, serves as a guide to help define who qualifies as a participant — and what costs are included and not included in this category.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Guide
Demystifying Participant Support Cost
Learn what types of costs qualify for participant support costs and who are defined as participants. Presenters use examples to dive deeper and look at some of the gray area costs.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Award and Project Management
Throughout the life of an award, steps must be taken to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, sponsor, and university rules and regulations. Below, you’ll find resources that will help you through award and agreement review and project management.
Award and Agreement Review
Once a proposal has been awarded, the university and sponsor must agree on certain terms and conditions before funding can actually be spent.
Sponsored Project Agreement Overview
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of sponsored project agreements at NC State, including how to interpret general contract terms and conditions and where to get help when needed.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Data Use Agreements
This presentation explains what data use agreements are and when they’re required, as well as tips and guidance on how to process them through PINS at NC State.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Guide
PI Portal
The PI Portal, accessed via MyPack Portal, provides a listing of each principal investigator’s projects (active and inactive), alerts, and project-specific information.
In our PI Portal Overview, Yessy Mendoza-Tate gives a demonstration of helpful tools and reporting available through the PI Portal for both PIs and research administrators.
Alice and the Terms & Conditions Rabbit Hole
This NCURA webinar, recorded on July 6, 2023, gives real life examples on how to understand and navigate through the terms and conditions rabbit hole.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Project Management
Included below are several resources ranging from navigating the management of your project to closeout.
Navigating Project Management
Agency Day: NIH
This NCURA webinar, recorded on March 7, 2023, provides information learn about NIH’s budget priorities, new policies and compliance initiatives, and gain insight into current issues at NIH.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Agency Day: NSF
This NCURA webinar, recorded on March 7, 2023, gives updates to the NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) including revisions to the biographical sketch and current and pending support, and the transition to for proposal preparation and submission.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Agency Day: Q&A with OPERA
Panelists from the NIH Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) discuss common questions from the community related to data sharing, disclosures, other support and foreign interference. This NCURA webinar was recorded on March 7, 2023.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Compliance and Uniform Guidance
While the purpose of Uniform Guidance was to reduce administrative burden and safeguard against waste or misuse of funds, compliance remains its primary focus. This NCURA webinar explores the Uniform Guidance sections on cost principles, internal controls and audits.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
FDP Prior Approval Matrix (Federal Demonstration Partnership)
The FDP’s Prior Approval Matrix provides a tabulated list of project activities and expenditures that are normally pre-approved by various federal sponsors. Keep in mind that each award’s special terms and conditions may have its own specific limitations.
How to Think Like an NIH Program Manager
This recorded webinar provides insights into how NIH Grants Managers think — what their workload is, how they view grants, and what kinds of assumptions they make about their university counterparts. Using these insights, we discuss some communication strategies to help research administrators better navigate their interactions with the NIH.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Manage a Project (NC State Research Administration and Compliance)
Award management, often referred to as post-award management, is the set of processes by which NC State demonstrates its ability to adhere to university and state policies, as well as sponsor- and award-specific terms and conditions. SPARCS provides guidance for researchers and research administrators on how to manage a sponsored research project at NC State.
Navigating the Revisions to the Uniform Guidance
When the Uniform Guidance took effect on Dec. 26, 2014, it changed how funding recipients approached the management of federal financial assistance. in 2020, OMB revised the Uniform Guidance to convey further clarification and guidance. This NCURA webinar discusses key changes reflected in the 2020 revision, including updated definitions and new requirements, as well as modifications to existing requirements.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Roles and Responsibilities: How to Assess and Create Clarity
In this NCURA webinar, presenters look at roles and responsibilities in research administration through the lens of three different institutions.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Uniform Guidance Certification for Principal Investigators
This 15-minute eLearning module is intended for principal investigators (PIs) who will certify in the closeout system.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy * Budgeting and Application Tips and Tricks (or Treat?)
In this NCURA webinar, strategies are discussed to support researchers in navigating the new policy. Common costs and developing realistic budgets for implementing DMS plans are examined.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Effort and Effort Reporting
Effort Reporting: What It Is, How We Do It, and Why it Matters
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of effort reporting at NC State, including how it impacts a research project.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
The Employee Activity Reporting System (TEARS)
The university uses an online system known as TEARS to track how much time its researchers spend on each of their sponsored projects — known as “effort reporting.” Federal regulations require that employees engaged in sponsored activities periodically review and certify their effort.
Managing Your Budget
Cost Share and OMAR
Learn how the Online Monthly Activity Reconciliation (OMAR) system is used for cost share reconciliation and view a demo of practical examples.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Cost Scare Share: The Good, the Bad and the Horror!
This NCURA webinar is designed to provide an overview and share horror stories and tips for navigating cost share across the lifecycle, including at the proposal, award receipt, award management, and closeout stages.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Cost Share Tackling the Challenges
This NCURA webinar focuses on identifying alternative ways to promote resources to agencies, relating to the importance of communication and shared tracking responsibilities, and articulating how to proactively manage cost share to avoid closeout issues, rework, and loss of time and money.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Cost Transfers, with NC State Responses
Cost transfers have come under high scrutiny in recent audits. This NCURA webinar explores the federal requirements surrounding cost transfers and examines how two different institutions have implemented policies to monitor compliance and mitigate the risk associated with these types of transactions. NC State-specific responses have also been added to address these topics.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Graduate Student Support Plan (GSSP)
This recorded webinar takes an in-depth look at GSSP topics related to research administration. Topics include eligibility requirements, job codes, appropriate dates, receiving benefits, health insurance, exceptions, funding and more.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
In-N-Out: Here’s What PI Transfers Are All About
Many considerations must be made to allow for a smooth transition when a principal investigator (PI) transfers from one institution to another. This NCURA webinar, geared toward the departmental research administrator, takes an in-depth look at the PI transfer process.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
New Vendor Demo
Monica O’Brien gives an in-depth demonstration on adding a new vendor to NC State’s financial system.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Summer Salary
This online course is required annually for faculty members receiving summer salary and administrators who process and/or approve summer salary.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Managing Subawards
Proposal Modification Requests (PMR) System Subaward Updates
This 15-minute training explains the PMR system changes that have been implemented.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
This NCURA webinar takes a deep dive into the complexities, obscurities and changing landscape of subawards. It covers OMB changes, risk appetite, lesser-known federal requirements, foreign subrecipient monitoring and more. The webinar recording also includes a subsequent panel discussion specific to subaward/subrecipient processes and practices at NC State.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Subrecipient Monitoring
The NCURA webinar, “Get Control Over Subrecipient Monitoring Controls” explores the internal controls framework for subrecipient monitoring based on federal regulations. Using this same framework, a panel provides an NC State perspective on the on the topics covered in the NCURA webinar.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Completing Closeout and Audit
Audits: What’s Hot
This NCURA webinar recaps the NSF, NIH, NSF Covid audit initiative and other OIG Audit work plans, as well as recent audit results and settlements — providing an in-depth look at audit issues through a combination of audit trends, a review of federal audit reports and a discussion of day-to-day best practices.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
DHHS Office of Audit Services (DHHS Office of Inspector General)
The Office of Audit Services, a division of DHHS’s Office of Inspector General, posts records of prior audits it has conducted on federally sponsored research projects. Reviewing audits that have been conducted at other research institutions can help you stay mindful of trending audit topics.
The Latest in Audits
This NCURA webinar focuses on recent audits performed by federal agencies and their inspectors general, as well as OIG work plans and settlements. It includes the recent National Science Foundation report “Promising Practices for NSF Award Management,” which draws observations from 18 audits in the past four years. The webinar looks at frequent issues found and discusses day-to-day best practices.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
NSF Audit Reports (National Science Foundation)
The NSF posts its Audit Reports for the public to review. Reviewing audits that have been conducted at other research institutions can help you stay mindful of trending audit topics.
Project Reporting and Closeout
In this course, learners will be given an overview of project reporting and required certifications at closeout. Also covered are the types of required reporting, the roles and responsibilities with the different reports, and commercialization impacts.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Sponsored Project Closeout Overview
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of the sponsored project closeout process at NC State, including its importance in the research award lifecycle.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Lifecycle of an Award
The award lifecycle at NC State can be broken down into seven stages, beginning with a researcher coming up with an idea and ending with award closeout. Watch this video to learn more.
Research Administrator Essentials
Our Intro to Research Administration Offices at NC State provides an overview of how research administration works at NC State.
We also work closely with the Research Support Council (RSC) — the research administration staff component of the vice chancellor’s research committees — to provide both new and recurring education and training opportunities for research administrators throughout the year. Check out our Researcher Administrator Essentials page for more RA-specific resources and links.
Researcher Resources
The Research Education and Training team offers a variety of resources that researchers may need to navigate through the sponsored programs lifecycle at NC State.
Research Compliance
SPARCS oversight includes NC State’s Research Compliance program, which is committed to advancing the highest standards of ethics, integrity and honesty as well as compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies governing research.
Research Compliance Panel Discussion
The directors from the Research Compliance Offices share more about their offices and answer audience questions in this 1-hour discussion.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Regulatory Key Concepts
This 20-minute training covers the scope of each compliance team along with what issues might indicate non-compliance and should be reported.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Animal Care and Use (IACUC)
The IACUC Office of SPARCS supports faculty working with animal models.
IACUC protocols and protocol amendments are submitted and managed via the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system.
IACUC Overview Module
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), including how to know when IACUC approval is required.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
IACUC Overview (Webinar Replay)
This presentation by IACUC Director Jennifer Dew, recorded on March 30, 2022, gives an overview of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) process at NC State and the role of Research Administrators in this process. Highlights include applicable forms, policies, and procedures for compliance.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Role of the University Attending Veterinarian and Required Reporting
This 15-minute online module demonstrates the role of the attending veterinarian and explain the required reporting.
- Audience: Faculty and Staff
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Conflicts of Interest/Notices of Intent (COI/NOI)
Looking for more information on conflicts of interest and notices of intent? The Education and Training team provides some resources and overviews to assist you.
COI disclosures and NOI forms are submitted and managed via the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system.
Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)
This 20-minute training is to ensure the design, conduct, or reporting of sponsored research will not be biased by any financial conflict of interest.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
COI and NOI Overview, Disclosures, and Roles
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of Conflicts of Interest (COI) and Notices of Intent (NOI), including COI and NOI regulations at NC State and the potential impact of non-compliance.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Prohibited Political and Legislative Activities
This 15-minute eLearning module provides an overview of permissible and prohibited political and legislative activities.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Conflicts of Interest (COI) and Notices of Intent (NOI) at NC State
This recorded webinar, originally presented on March 10, 2022, covers the basics you need to know related to COI disclosures, notices of intent (NOI), and related federal regulations and policies at NC State.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Human Subjects (IRB)
The NC State Institutional Review Board (IRB) advocates for and protects human subjects participating in research by working with investigators to facilitate ethical and compliant research.
Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects
Find the latest resources on IRB Training on the Research Compliance website.
Data Security and Compliance
Keeping your research data secure is not just important for proprietary reasons. Find more information in the resources below.
Data Security for Research Overview
This 10-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of data security for research projects at NC State, including how to secure research data and ensure compliance with contractual requirements.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Data Security Training (NC State OIT)
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) offers Data Security Training, an online module-based course covering cybersecurity awareness topics that are critical to the university — such as phishing, data classification and mobile device security.
New International Privacy Regulations
This SRAi webinar takes a global tour of new regulations and their impact on research. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has gotten plenty of attention, but around the globe, numerous other countries — such as China, Thailand to Nepal — have quietly been updating their privacy laws, with huge implications for multinational research. Many are similar to GDPR, but some go much further with in-country registration requirements. Research administrators overseeing international research need to be prepared.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Research Data Security Training: CUI and Insider Threat
This 1-hour eLearning module explains the specific safeguards necessary for compliance with NIST 800-171 — to ensure everyone who’s affected understands their role and responsibility to protect controlled unclassified information (CUI).
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Research Data Security Training: Privileged User Cybersecurity Responsibilities
This 1-hour eLearning module explains the specific safeguards necessary for compliance with NIST 800-171 — with a focus on the special responsibilities that come with being a privileged user.
- Audience: Faculty
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Annual Security Training for Cleared Individuals
This training includes safeguarding around classified information, the basics on how to handle classified information, threat awareness, including insider threat, and reporting obligations and requirements.
- Audience: Faculty
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Export Controls
NC State values and encourages international collaborations and educational opportunities. At the same time, the university must be careful to comply with U.S. laws and regulations that govern how international engagements are managed. Find more resources on these topics below.
Export Controls Overview
This 15-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of export controls, including how to recognize when export control regulations apply to a research project.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Foreign Influence and Export Control Compliance for Research Administrators
This recorded webinar, which originally aired on Dec. 2, 2021, provides background on the broad topic of foreign influence and the regulatory compliance issues related to it, with a focus on Export Control Compliance. We touch on developing federal guidance and how to best ensure that NC State research is conducted in a manner consistent with federal expectations and high ethical standards.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Research Integrity
Investigators at NC State University are expected to uphold the highest standards of integrity in research at all times.
Research Integrity at NC State
This 20-minute eLearning module provides a general overview of research integrity at NC State, including why it’s important, what training and resources are available, and when they might be needed.
- Audience: All
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Leading Research Compliance in the College, Dept., Center, or Institute
This 15-minute eLearning module provides an overview of leading research compliance at NC State. It’s intended to help deans, associate deans, department heads, and/or directors understand their role in research compliance.
- Audience: Faculty
- Delivery: eLearning Module
Research Integrity
This recorded presentation by Director of Research Compliance Mary Millsaps, which took place at the May 10, 2022, RSC Meeting, gives an overview for research administrators on how integrity is defined, training requirements by federal agencies, and institutional as well as individual responsibility for protecting research integrity.
- Audience: Research Administrators
- Delivery: Webinar
Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR)
NC State is committed to fostering a robust research environment, in part through RCR training and education.
Research Security
NSPM-33: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
This NCURA webinar discusses guidance and recent updates, focusing on the requirements of Research Security programs, campus coordination and buy-in, ORCID adoption, disclosure policies (proposal and COI/COC).
- Audience: All
- Delivery: Webinar
Research Enterprise Data (RED) System
The RED system is an enterprise-level software system used to manage research administration at NC State, which will eventually replace RADAR, PINS and NC State’s regulatory-compliance software management systems. RED is being implemented in phases.
Four modules of RED are currently live — Proposals, Post Award Management, Animal Care Use (IACUC), and Conflict of Interest (COI/NOI). To learn more about the phased implementation of the RED system, visit the Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) project website.
Need help using RED? We’ve got you covered.
Affiliated Training Providers
The following resources — provided by other units across campus and various external agencies — have been curated here for the NC State research community. Visit their respective websites to see more of what each provider offers.
Visit REPORTER — the university’s registration and enrollment management system for non-credit activities — to search for all available NC State-specific courses. (For help with REPORTER, go to
All NC State University employees also get free access to LinkedIn Learning.
DELTA, which stands for “Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications,” is a unit within the Office of the Provost that works to foster the integration and support of digital learning in NC State’s academic programs — and also supports online and distance education programs at the university.
Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity
The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED) seeks to create an NC State experience where everyone — regardless of beliefs, background, orientation or ability — feels at home as part of the Wolfpack.
OIED offers a number of educational opportunities for faculty, staff and students. OIED’s Inclusive Excellence and Strategic Practice unit also provides a host of helpful resources.
UHR: Learning and Organizational Development
University Human Resources’ Learning and Organizational Development team aims to help NC State employees develop and achieve their potential so that the organizations they work for can succeed and grow.
McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education
The McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education serves the university and the public by facilitating the creation, transmission and timely application of knowledge and resources. The Office of Professional Development is dedicated to the development and delivery of non-degree professional training courses.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
A part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the nation’s medical research agency — “making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.” The NIH invests nearly $42 billion annually “in medical research for the American people” — and is a major federal sponsor of NC State’s research.
Recommended Resources:
National Science Foundation (NSF)
The NSF is a federal agency that supports “basic research and people to create knowledge that transforms the future.” With an annual budget of nearly $9 billion (fiscal year 2022), the NSF is the funding source for roughly 25% of all federally supported basic research conducted by U.S. colleges and universities.
The NSF is NC State’s largest single source of research funding in terms of dollars.
The NSF offers several video tutorials and FAQs.
Recommended Resources:
- Initiating a Proposal
- How to Manage Personnel and Senior Personnel Documents
- How to Work on a Proposal Budget
- How to Upload a Collaborators and Other Affiliations Document
- How to Submit a Research Proposal in
Related: NCURA also offers SBIR/STTR Webinars, on the NSF’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
NC State University Libraries
The NC State University Libraries is “a gateway to knowledge for the university community and partners.” University Libraries provides a variety of research support services.
Office for Faculty Excellence
The Office for Faculty Excellence fosters faculty success in every career stage by offering professional and leadership development programming, supporting policies related to faculty employment, and facilitating faculty awards and recognition.
Office of Information Technology (OIT)
OIT provides campuswide computing, information and communication technology services in support of the university’s academic and administrative goals. OIT offers training on a variety of IT- and system-related topics.
Recommended Resources:
- Financial System Training: From the NC State Budget Office, this training provides resources on budget revisions, the Wolfpack Reporting System (WRS) and more.
- System Access Request (SAR) Training: Training in administrative applications such as SAR, MyPack Portal and Financials