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RED SP Modules: Queries and Navigation (Campus – In Person)

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

This 45-minute instructor-led course gives NC State faculty and staff an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, and the structure of a record in PAM. This training is for all campus users…

Intro to RED: Queries and Reporting for Administrators (In Person – Hold)

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

This 1 hour instructor-led course gives NC State administrators an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system and Sponsored Research Activity Reporting that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, the structure of a record in PAM, and intro to Sponsored Research…

RED SP Modules: Queries and Navigation for C&G (virtual)

This 1hr instructor-led course gives NC State Contracts & Grants staff an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, and the structure of a record in PAM. This training is for all C&G…

SRAi NC Chapter Meeting

Pre-conference Workshops: Monday, July 24Tuesday, July 25 Friday Center at UNC Chapel HillChapel Hill, NCSRAi NC Chapter Website - Find more information and a link to register.

RED SP Modules: Queries and Navigation for C&G (virtual)

This 1hr instructor-led course gives NC State Contracts & Grants staff an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, and the structure of a record in PAM. This training is for all C&G…

RED SP Modules: Locating and Reporting on Record Data (RSC Exec – Virtual)

This 1 hour instructor-led course gives NC State administrators an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system and Sponsored Research Activity Reporting that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying (locating records), the Proposals and PAM modules, the structure of a record in PAM, and intro to…

RED U 410: Additional Practice Lab

This instructor led course gives Central Office employees additional hands on experience with the SP Modules in the RED System update being released in 2023.Register in Reporter Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 98129124919, passcode: 156292) Join by phone (US) +1 929-205-6099 (passcode: 156292) Join using SIP (passcode: 156292) Joining instructions: Meeting host: kmullan@ncsu.eduJoin Zoom Meeting:

RED SP Modules: Queries and Reporting for CROs

This 1 hour instructor-led course gives NC State administrators an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system and SAS VA tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, the structure of a record in PAM, and intro to SAS VA. This training…

RED SP Modules: Locating and Reporting on Project Data for Leadership and Admin

This 1 hour instructor-led course gives NC State leadership and administrators an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system and Sponsored Research Activity Reporting that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, the structure of a record in PAM, and intro to…

RED SP Modules: Queries and Navigation (Campus – In Person)

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

This 45-minute instructor-led course gives NC State faculty and staff an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, and the structure of a record in PAM. This training is for all campus users…

RED SP Modules: Queries and Reporting for Administrators (In Person – Hold)

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

This 1 hour instructor-led course gives NC State administrators an overview of the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system and SAS VA tools that are scheduled to launch in August 2023. This training provides an introductory demo of querying, the Proposals and PAM modules, the structure of a record in PAM, and intro to SAS VA. This training…