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RED: Conflict of Interest / Commitment (COI/COC)

The COI/COC module of RED houses both the Financial Interest (formerly COI) and External Professional Activities (formerly NOI) disclosure forms, which are used to manage conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment.

File a Financial Interest Disclosure in RED

The following resources cover everything you need to know to successfully file a Financial Interest disclosure in RED whether it’s your first time doing so or you need to update or recertify an existing disclosure.

Working with a Financial Interest Disclosure

These resources cover how to file and update a Financial Interest disclosure.

Adding Entities to a Financial Interest Disclosure

These resources cover how to add entities to a Financial Interest disclosure.

COI Entity Lookup and Request

These resources assist with looking up and, as needed, requesting a new entity.

File an External Professional Activity Request

The following resources cover how to request or update a prior approval of External Professional Activities (EPA) in the RED system.

Working with an EPA Request

These resources cover how to successfully file and update an EPA request.

COI Entity Lookup and Request

These resources assist with looking up and, as needed, requesting a new entity.

Review an External Professional Activity (EPA) Request

The following resources cover how to use the COI/COC module as an administrator or reviewer.

Reviewing an EPA Request

These resources cover how to successfully complete the EPA request review process in RED.

Reviewing an Updated EPA Request

These resources cover how to review an EPA request after it’s been updated per reviewer comments and re-submitted.

Downloading a Disclosure as a PDF

These resources cover how to download a PDF copy of a Financial Interest or EPA disclosure from RED.

Running Compliance Reports

These resources assist users in using the compliance reports tool related to the COI/COC review process.