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Award Lifecycle

From finding funding to project closeout, the award lifecycle encompasses the linear stages of a sponsored project.

Find Funding

NC State’s research enterprise relies on funding from federal agencies, city and state agencies, corporate funding and private foundations as the first step of the award lifecycle. The university also has a number of seed funding programs to ensure that we continue to innovate.

Develop and Submit Proposal

NC State has a wealth of resources to assist faculty and staff in developing proposals for sponsored project funding. Having an established proposal development process helps ensure that our researchers are able to develop successful proposals. Our staff is here to assist you in this process.

Set Up Project

In order for a project team (PI, grant administrator, researchers) to begin spending on a sponsored project, certain steps must be taken in order to set up the account or authorize pre-award spending.

Manage Project

Award Management, often referred to as post-award management, is the set of processes by which NC State demonstrates its ability to adhere to university and state policies, as well as sponsor- and award-specific terms and conditions with the goal of maintaining overall fiscal and programmatic compliance.

Project Closeout

Project closeout is the process in which the award recipient demonstrates that all applicable administrative actions and all required work associated with the award have been completed. Closeout starts the day you begin to think about your proposal. Effective research administration over the life of the award will help eliminate problems at closeout. Manage the project closely during the period of performance, not just during the days after the end of the award. Keep faculty and staff informed of the rules.