Step 1 of 4
This form is for hiring students into an hourly appointment. If you are trying to hire a graduate assistant, please contact your Graduate Services Coordinator.
Please complete the following fields regarding the logistics of the job assignment.
With the current hiring freeze that is in place from the UNC System Office, all student appointments paid from a non-5 account will have to request a hiring exception from the dean. Please fill out the information below and we will submit the request on your behalf.
Thank you for completing the form. Please do not forget to hit the “Submit” button below. Upon submitting the form, the request will be routed to the appropriate unit-level and college-level approvers for review. Once the action has been reviewed and approved at all required levels, it will be entered into NC State’s Human Resources System (HRS). We estimate the full process to take about 5 business days. After the action has been entered into HRS, an email will be sent to the employee notifying them of the terms of their hourly job. The time sheet approver will also be copied on the confirmation email. Time Sheet Approver * Please identify the individual below who will be responsible for approving the time sheet. If the time sheet approver is not the same person completing this form, the individual will be copied on the email confirming submission of this form as well.