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Susannah Lawrence

Jul 22, 2024

Susannah Lawrence

Jul 22, 2024

Nanoscopic Imaging Aids in Understanding Protein, Tissue Preservation in Ancient Bones

Nanoscopic 3D imaging could be a shortcut for picking fossils most likely to preserve proteins or DNA.

image on left is labeled 'expanded' and shows 3D grid of pink polymer; image on left is labeled 'contracted' and shows a much smaller grid of the pink polymer, with much smaller gaps between the polymer strands

Jul 22, 2024

3D Printing of Light-Activated Hydrogel Actuators

3D-printed hydrogels create structures that contract when exposed to light and expand when the light is removed, meaning they can serve as remotely controlled actuators.

a woman stands before a classroom of young children. her body language shows that she is listening carefully to one of the students

Jul 22, 2024

Even in ‘Care Work,’ Women Face Lower Wages if They Have Kids

Mothers get paid less than either men or women without children, even in fields that are traditionally thought of as being “women’s work.”

Student and professor in a cucumber field with a spider-like robot.

Jul 18, 2024

Spider Robot to Help Untangle Cucumber Disease

An NC State engineer and plant pathologist aim to help growers get ahead of a devastating cucumber disease with the development of a new spider-like robot.

Jacob Jones, left, of the Material Science and Engineering Department and Blake Kennedy of the Clay Studio.

Jul 17, 2024

Sculpting and Scanning

A collaboration between Blake Kennedy of the Clay Studio and Jacob Jones of the Material Science and Engineering Department for an Envisioning Research contest is a further example of the connections between STEM and the arts at NC State.

Jul 15, 2024

Chohan Promoted to Assistant Vice Chancellor

As the Office of Research Commercialization's assistant vice chancellor of technology licensing, Kultaran Chohan will lead the newly created technology licensing division.

An image of a piece of advanced technology that looks like a brain.

Jul 11, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Powers Innovation

At NC State University, interdisciplinary teams are leveraging AI to revolutionize research in agriculture, chemical engineering, education and more.

Jul 11, 2024

Garland Promoted to Senior Associate Vice Chancellor

Genevieve Garland, who's worked with ORI since 2016, has been promoted to senior associate vice chancellor for research development and operations.

aerial image of farms

Jul 10, 2024

CALS Offers New Grants to Tackle Needs in Animal Agriculture 

As the next step for the Food Animal Initiative, CALS is funding grants to tackle issues in food animal production and workforce development, collaborating with veterinary and industry partners.