Integrated Support Service Center (ISSC)
The Integrated Support Service Center was created to provide streamlined, professional services to faculty and administrators, eliminating costly duplication, creating efficiency and improving timeliness.
For assistance with administrative issues, contact the appropriate service group listed below:
Ginger Burks Draughon
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Sponsored Program Proposal and Award Administrative Support
We provide pre and post award support for ORI Centers and Institutes and other non-Academic units.
- Vacant, Director, Research Administration
- Gail Platt Britt, Assistant Director, P: 919.513.8144
- Amy Nonino, Post Award Management, P: 919.513.6606
- Ann Hunt, Pre-Award Proposal Development, P: 919.515.8530
- June Plank Morton, Business Officer III, 919.515.8530
General Business Services
A Traveler’s Guide to Travel Authorizations and Reimbursements