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Photo of a tennis ball being struck by a tennis racket.

Oct 26, 2018

NC State Plays Role in Development of New Sport Impact Tool

NC State contributes research on physical activity to Healthy Sport Index.

Oct 25, 2018

A Calculated Risk: Researchers Calculate Priority Index for Leptospirosis Risk in Brazil

Leptospirosis is a tropical, bacterial disease prevalent in South America. Last year an estimated one million illnesses and 58,900 deaths were caused by the disease worldwide…

Oct 23, 2018

Salmonella Loves Hydrogen Peroxide – And Helps Your Body Make More of it

Salmonella is super effective in making us sick because it turns the body’s defense mechanism to its advantage. New research describes just how Salmonella does what it does.

Man wearing rubber gloves touches a plant in a greenhouse.

Oct 17, 2018

On the Defensive

Study reveals that during infections, a viral RNA element changes its structure to block a plant cell’s defenses and produces a shorter, noncoding RNA. Previous research had found a similar mechanism at play during human infections.

Graphic showing shirt, close up of weave and several charts demonstrating its properties.

Oct 12, 2018

Researchers Create New E-Textiles with Fiber-Level Sensors

Electronic textile research could lead to multifunctional smart garments.

Photo of the first group of participants of a new professional development initiative to help science teachers gain research experience.

Oct 11, 2018

N.C. Science Teachers Gain Research Experience through NIH-Funded Grant

Through a National Institutes of Health-funded, five-year project, NC State Education Associate Professor Margareta Thomson heads a new professional development program designed to help K-12 teachers from high-poverty North Carolina schools build their scientific research skills and content knowledge.

Panels of artwork cover two walls in the Gregg Museum of Art & Design.

Oct 11, 2018

Jazz Converges With Math and Painting in New Exhibit

The newest Gregg Museum exhibit, ‘All the Possibilities of Filling in Sixteenths (65,536),’ showcases the work of Durham artist and jazz saxophonist Vernon Pratt. It opens Oct. 11.

Small combine harvesting corn

Oct 10, 2018

Technology Helps Transform NC State Agricultural Tests

NC State is making fast technological strides when it comes to gathering and reporting data from North Carolina’s Official Variety Program. 

A sunny vineyard.

Oct 8, 2018

For Wineries, Competition Boosts Profits From Sustainability

An international study finds that the more sustainability practices a winery has in place, the better its financial performance – and the effect is enhanced when a winery perceives significant pressure from competitors.

A cracked highway disappears into flood waters.

Oct 8, 2018

Assessing How Florence Affected the Very Ground We Stand On

After Florence, experts moved in to assess the damage. NC State’s Brina Montoya was one of them.