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Sep 25, 2018

Minogue Receives NSF Grant to Reimagine Physics Teaching in Preservice Educators

Associate Professor James Minogue will receive $733,000 over three years as part of a National Science Foundation (NSF) EHR Core Research grant entitled “Preservice Educators Reimagining Core Experiences in Physics Teaching (PERCEPT).” The grant targets two focal areas of the EHR Core Research program: STEM learning and learning environment and STEM workforce development.

Scientist surrounded by plants in a greenhouse

Sep 25, 2018

Faculty Focus: The Peanut Scientist

Award-winning CALS plant scientist Tom Stalker is known as one of the world’s leading peanut scientists. The breeding lines he’s developed are used around the world and right here in North Carolina.

Students working in Dr. Elizabeth Loboa's lab

Sep 20, 2018

NC State – NC TraCS Collaborative Pilot Grant Program

As an integrated hub of the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program, the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute combines the research strengths, resources and opportunities of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus and partner institutions like NC State University in Raleigh.

Sep 19, 2018

Learning through Play with a City’s Built-in Math

A new collaboration between the Center for Geospatial Analytics and College of Education will use games and urban design to teach mathematics in middle school classrooms.

CVM staff comforts a small dog before treatment

Sep 18, 2018

In Search of New and Better Cancer Treatments

Boosted by philanthropy, translational research at NC State’s College of Veterinary Medicine aims at increasing the effectiveness and reducing the complications of treatments for cancer – for animals and people.

Black Box Dance Theatre dancers rehearse for their Applied Dance + Inspired Mathematics performance

Sep 17, 2018

Math in Motion

An NC State mathematician and a dancer have worked together to create a unique modern dance performance that brings math concepts to life.

Sep 11, 2018

NC State Moves Up in National Rankings

NC State continues to advance in the annual U.S. News rankings, earning kudos for innovation, teaching and programs for military veterans. Business and engineering programs also made gains this year.

Sep 4, 2018

Building a Sound Map of Raleigh – For Science

Sound can affect everything from human health to the well-being of wildlife, but there is very little data on the levels and types of sound in U.S. cities.

Aug 30, 2018

African American Cultural Center Library Supports New Research Emphasis

With a freshly transformed office suite, the African American Cultural Center has widened both its physical space and its scope. The addition of Assistant Director Sachelle Ford catalyzed the center’s new emphasis on scholarship with a focus that includes faculty, graduate and undergraduate research engagement.

Researcher bent over a lab table with image of heart monitor superimposed.

Aug 30, 2018

NC State Begins Implementing New ERA System

The Enterprise Research Administration system promises to streamline and simplify the complex work of managing research projects. Campus stakeholders will test and refine the system over the coming years.