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May 23, 2018

How Frequent Hurricanes Change Estuarial Ecosystems

Increased hurricane frequency can lead to increased algal blooms, fish kills and dead zones in estuaries.

May 23, 2018

Airport Designs Take Flight in Venice

Teams from the School of Architecture are showcasing their ideas for airports of the future at a prestigious expo this week.

May 22, 2018

Making an Impact: ZTE Fuels Innovation and Boosts NC Economy

Whether a local startup needs help testing a product, a national company wants assistance developing a new fiber or a global business is looking for workforce training, the College of Textiles is here to help. Since 2006, Zeis Textiles Extension (ZTE) has taught more than 650 courses to nearly 15,000 students with an economic impact in excess of $350 million. Read more about the extension and its mission to foster innovation and boost the local economy.

May 22, 2018

“Don’t Be Afraid Of The Unknown”: Poultry Science’s Brooke Bartz

Graduate student Brooke Bartz studies the effects of LED lighting on bird behavior and performance — with fascinating results.

May 22, 2018

New Tech May Make Prosthetic Hands Easier for Patients to Use

Researchers have developed new technology for decoding neuromuscular signals to control powered, prosthetic wrists and hands.

May 21, 2018

Researcher to Study GenX Exposure in Cape Fear Fish, Alligators

NC State toxicologist will study GenX exposure in striped bass, catfish and alligators that inhabit the Cape Fear river watershed.

May 21, 2018

Campus Bee Hotels Are Open For Business

NC State’s new bee hotels are providing vital habitat for North Carolina’s native bees thanks to Jonathan and Sara June Giacomini, who designed and built them for the campus community.

May 17, 2018

What Happens If We Run Out? Pesticide Resistance Needs Attention, Large-Scale Study

How can we slow pest resistance to herbicides and pesticides? NC State researchers say large-scale studies are needed to test new strategies.

May 16, 2018

Graze in the Shade: Silvopasture’s Benefits

How can a grower be more productive per acre while improving grassland ecosystems? How do we increase production to feed a growing population while sustaining available resources? Could silvopasture help? NC State’s Miguel Castillo is finding answers.

May 15, 2018

Think Chimpanzee Beds Are Dirtier Than Human Ones? Think Again

Study finds that chimpanzees appear to keep tidier sleeping arrangements than humans do.