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Open House | Shared Core Research Facilities

Join us for an open house event at the N.C. Plant Sciences Building as part of Research Week at NC State! Enjoy presentations from Core Facility vendors, users, and collaborators,…

Compliance Panel Discussion

Meeting Via Zoom

The Research Education and Training Team proudly hosts this live training opportunity. Directors from the Research Compliance Offices will discuss the responsibilities of their offices, then answer questions related to…

Webinar | PDU@Lunch: Preparing a White Paper

Build your skillset for formulating successful white papers, concept papers, and other project summaries that are required for funding opportunities through guidance and examples presented by the Proposal Development Unit…

Subrecipient Monitoring Panel Discussion

Virtual via Zoom

This online panel discussion is a follow-up to the NCURA Subrecipient Monitoring Webinar featuring NC State panelists. This event is presented by the Research Education and Training Team. There is…