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Caddisfly eggs on a rock.

Dec 13, 2023

Aquatic Insects in Restored Streams Need More Rocks to Lay Their Eggs

If you want aquatic insect egg populations to take off, you need more runways, according to a new study.

photo shows an adult male turkey in profile

Dec 13, 2023

Study Overturns Conventional Wisdom About Wild Turkey Nesting Survival

The findings shed new light on how climate change may affect wild turkey populations.

View of biopolymer film on left and microscopic view of the film on right.

Dec 11, 2023

Researchers Combine Biopolymers Derived From the Ocean to Replace Synthetic Plastic Films

Crustacean and seaweed materials combined in a unique way could provide a sustainable alternative to plastic films.

Dead tree in dry landscape

Dec 8, 2023

What Can 66-Million-Year-Old Carbon Dioxide Data Tell Us About Our Future Climate?

The last time Earth had CO2 levels comparable to current ones was 14 million years ago.

The milky way galaxy

Dec 7, 2023

Ancient Stars Made Extraordinarily Heavy Elements

How heavy can an element be? Ancient stars were capable of producing elements heavier than any element on the periodic table found naturally on Earth.

illustration shows the shape of a brain, but made up of circuits.

Dec 4, 2023

AI Networks Are More Vulnerable to Malicious Attacks Than Previously Thought

A study finds AI tools are more vulnerable than previously thought to targeted attacks that effectively force AI systems to make bad decisions.

Nov 29, 2023

Research Partners: Robots, Soldiers and Scientists

NC State psychology faculty and students partnered with West Point to research cadets’ attitudes toward using robots in military training.

Nov 13, 2023

Autonomous Lab Discovers Best-in-Class Quantum Dot in Hours; It Would Have Taken Humans Years

A new autonomous system can identify how to synthesize “best-in-class” materials for specific applications in hours, rather than years.

Dinos in the woods

Nov 7, 2023

Dig This: ‘Neglected’ Dinosaur Had Super Senses

This dino may have been a wallflower, but a CT scan of its skull reveals some hidden superpowers.

NC State Chancellor Larry Monteith stands in front of the Monteith Research Center.

Nov 3, 2023

A Leader Passes: Remembering Chancellor Larry Monteith

Chancellor Larry Monteith devoted his academic career as an electrical engineering professor, a College of Engineering dean and the 11th chancellor of NC State to advancing the university’s role in graduate research and its expansion as a research institution.