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Bite-resistant textiles

Jul 13, 2021

Mosquito-Resistant Clothing Prevents Bites in Trials

NC State researchers created insecticide-free, mosquito-resistant clothing using bite-proof textiles they designed.

Sitka spruce

Jul 12, 2021

Genetic Study in Giant Evergreens Reveals Clues to Pest Resistance

A genetic analysis led by an NC State researcher found clues to pest resistance in Sitka spruce trees.

Jul 2, 2021

CALS Researcher Awarded NSF Grant to Study Activation Domains

Associate Professor Ross Sozzani is one of the principal investigators on a new NSF grant to study activation domains on Arabidopsis plants. This $3.4 million project is a joint research collaboration between NC State, Duke, and UC Berkeley – and is expected to pave the way for new gene editing techniques in agricultural crops.

The NC State belltower, framed against a clear sky.

Jun 30, 2021

Biochemical Sensor Researcher Makes MIT Technology Review’s List of Top Young Innovators

Bandodkar is being recognized for his work on wearable health sensors.

Fruit flies with florescent red proteins glow red.

Jun 29, 2021

Study Shows Effectiveness of Suppressing Female Fruit Flies

Pest populations plummet in lab experiments as technique using genetically modified fruit flies works more effectively than expected.

A rice field in the Philippines.

Jun 29, 2021

Hot Nights Confuse Circadian Clocks in Rice, Hurting Crop Yields

Hotter nights are curbing crop yields for rice. New research helps us understand why.

Jun 27, 2021

The Brudno Lab Receives Grant to Study New Cancer Therapies

The Brudno lab recently received an R37 grant from the National Cancer Institute. This 7-year, 2.8 million dollar grant will be used to design new materials and chemistry to manufacture CAR-T cellIs.  “CAR-T cells are a revolutionizing cancer treatment”, said […]

NC State gateway at sunset

Jun 23, 2021

Innovation Task Forces Explore Lessons Learned During the Pandemic

Four university task forces have been charged with identifying innovative initiatives that arose from NC State’s response to COVID-19 and that should continue after the pandemic.


Jun 21, 2021

Common Perovskite Superfluoresces at High Temperatures

A common perovskite’s superfluorescent properties may make it useful for quantum computing.


Jun 18, 2021

‘Nanodecoy’ Therapy Binds and Neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Research led by the CVM’s Ke Cheng shows that nanodecoys can bind to SARS-CoV-2, helping clear the virus faster.