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Celebration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Oct 5, 2023

NC State Celebrates Innovation and Entrepreneurship

NC State held its 32nd Celebration of Innovation Tuesday to recognize the achievements of faculty inventors and startup founders, as well as announce an innovator of the year and an entrepreneur…

Nov 8, 2019

NC State Awards 2019 Innovator & Entrepreneur of the Year

NC State strives to attract top-notch talent to our university. And the driven, dedicated people here consistently turn NC State research into real-world results, launching startups and patenting technologies at a record…

Award winners standing with university Chancellor

Oct 13, 2017

Top Innovator, Entrepreneurs Honored at NC State Celebration of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

On a campus crowded with world-leading faculty spinning off startup companies and writing patent applications at a record-breaking pace, the annual awards for innovator of the year and entrepreneur of…

Award winner with university Chancellor

Oct 11, 2016

NC State Celebrates Innovation and Entrepreneurship

NC State held its 27th Celebration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to recognize the outstanding achievements of its faculty inventors over the last year. With over 500 products to market and over…

University Chancellor standing with award winner

Nov 16, 2015

NC State Holds Celebration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

NC State has a long history of driving economic growth through the commercialization of its research discoveries, with over 500 products to market and 100 startup companies launched. The Office of…

University belltower against skyline

Oct 22, 2014

OTT Announces Innovator and Dr. John S. Risley Entrepreneur of the Year for 2014

The Office of Technology Transfer held its 25th annual Celebration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship on October 21st, where it announced the winners of the Innovator and Dr. John S. Risley Entrepreneur…

Nov 18, 2013

OTT Announces Innovator and Dr. John S. Risley Entrepreneur of the Year for 2013

The Office of Technology Transfer held its 24th annual Celebration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship on November 15th, where it announced the winners of the Innovator and Dr. John S. Risley…