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X-ray Diffraction Policies

General Policies

  • Access requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance so that system suitability and consumables can be arranged.
  • A Financial Agreement (internal users) or Services Order Form (external users) must be in place before services.
  • Day access starts at 10:AM and ends at 10:00 AM the following day.
  • No remote access to data acquisition computers.
  • If scheduled time is not used, a charge for acquired liquid nitrogen will be made to the users account.
  • All users that wish to be present at the facility, whether using the equipment or not, must complete the Analytical X-ray Safety Course that is provided by NCSU EH&S ( and the orientation for the facility.
  • Cryogens for sample preparation and cold stream will be provided.
  • Citations: All users agree to cite METRIC in any publications or grant proposals that use data collected in the METRIC facility.

Self Use Policies

  • Instrument-specific user training must be completed before the user can self-use the instrument. 
  • System suitability will be tested prior to self-use in order to ensure proper operation.
  • Limited advice and help will be available for self-use users.
  • Instrument reservations in the Lab Management Portal are required.
  • Each use of the x-ray equipment must also be logged in the User Logbook with all information requested in the logbook provided.
  • Equipment failures must be reported to facility staff or logged in the User Log.

Data Management Policies

  • Collected crystallographic data must be backed up by the user within 24 hours of collection. No extraordinary steps will be made by the facility to provide long-term backup of user data.
  • The length of storage depends on the amount of space available on the drive.  Older data will be jettisoned first.