The Molecular Education, Technology and Research Innovation Center (METRIC) is the premiere facility at NC State for high-end molecular analysis. By combining our three platform technologies in one core (mass spectrometry, magnetic resonance, and X-ray crystallography), we are able to provide the appropriate techniques for researchers looking to better understand their molecular systems. And with a presence on both Main and Centennial campuses, we aim to support researchers across all of NC State and beyond.
Facility and Equipment: METRIC provides NC State researchers access to a world-class measurement science facility that includes mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography of small molecules and macromolecules. The center is housed in Dabney Hall, Polk Hall, Partners III, and the brand-new Plant Sciences Building. METRIC space totals more than 12,500 ft2 including offices for 18 scientists, instrumentation rooms with UPS and back-up power, bio-specimen and general-purpose storage (-80°C and -20°C freezers) with back-up power, and wet laboratories for sample preparation. Space renovations to accommodate METRIC produced state-of-the-art laboratories with independent climate control, galleys to isolate noise and vibration, chilled water, DI water, and appropriate power. Laboratories are equipped with data analysis hardware and software as well as sample preparation instrumentation, including a state-of-the-art LMD system with live-cell imaging capability, Leica CM 1950 cryostat, HTX TMSP-M3 TM-Sprayer, Bead Ruptor, and Geno Grinder tissue homogenizers, Teflon coated block digestion system for ICP-MS samples, muffle furnace for ashing ICP-MS samples, Nanodrop spectrophotometers, plate readers, pH meters, refrigerated centrifuges, speed-vacs, and nanopure water purification systems. In addition, all personnel in METRIC have personal PCs with access to networked printers, a color copy machine, and several 40 TB RAID data storage systems.
Technical Expertise: The mass spectrometry platform is led by Dr. Jeff Enders, Senior Research Scholar (expertise: small molecule quantification, ion mobility, metallomics), Dr. Rebecca Weed, Research Scholar (expertise: PFAS / Emerging Contaminants of Concern), Leonard Collins, Research Assistant (expertise: small molecule targeted assays, GC-MS, and proteomics), Dr. Whitney Stutts, Senior Research Scholar (expertise: MALDI, mass spectrometry imaging, lipidomics), Dr. Taufika Williams, Senior Research Scholar (expertise: discovery and targeted proteomics). Two additional Ph.D. level scientists with mass spectrometry expertise are currently being recruited. Collectively the METRIC MS platform has over 100 years of experience. The magnetic resonance program is led by Dr. Jennifer Sun, Research Scholar (expertise: small molecular NMR), and Dr. Peter Thompson, Research Scholar (expertise: macromolecular NMR). Together they have over 30 years of experience. Finally, Dr. Paul Swartz (research scholar with expertise in macromolecular crystallography) leads the X-ray crystallography program. A Ph.D. level scientist with expertise in small molecule X-ray is currently being recruited.
METRIC is a university-wide Shared Core Research Facility administered by NC State’s Office of Research and Innovation and governed by an active and engaged Executive Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee, External Advisory Committee, and three User Committees. Access to METRIC instrumentation to schedule use and/or training and billing for services is managed using a cloud-based LIMS that was customized at NC State University by the Office of Information Technology.
METRIC Provides Access to Instrumentation
- SuperFund Research Programs (SRP):
- Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE):
- External Academic and Industry Partnerships
- 20 External Academic Partners
- 40 Industry Partners
- Plant Sciences Building