Access requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance so that system suitability and consumables can be arranged.
A Financial Agreement (internal users) or Services Order Form (external users) must be in place before services.
Day access starts at 10:AM and ends at 10:00 AM the following day.
No remote access to data acquisition computers.
If scheduled time is not used, a charge for acquired liquid nitrogen will be made to the users account.
All users that wish to be present at the facility, whether using the equipment or not, must complete the Analytical X-ray Safety Course that is provided by NCSU EH&S ( and the orientation for the facility.
Cryogens for sample preparation and cold stream will be provided.
Citations: All users agree to cite METRIC in any publications or grant proposals that use data collected in the METRIC facility.
Collected crystallographic data must be backed up by the user within 24 hours of collection. No extraordinary steps will be made by the facility to provide long-term backup of user data.
The length of storage depends on the amount of space available on the drive. Older data will be jettisoned first.