The value of 15N NMR spectroscopy
Do you have a nitrogen-containing molecule that has been difficult to identify or characterize? If so, consider trying 15N NMR spectroscopy in NCSU METRIC NMR Laboratory.

NMR detection of 13C and 1H are well known and commonly used by scientists, but 15N is often forgotten, due to its low natural abundance and sensitivity. However, with the state-of-art instrumentation and innovative technology in METRIC, 15N NMR can be a super useful tool to provide extremely valuable information to characterize nitrogen-containing molecules and bio-molecules. Through the investigation of multiple parameters including 15N chemical shift, 1H-15N coupling constants, and 15N relaxation studies, these valuable data can reveal the stereochemistry, structure, and dynamics in various cases such as hydrogen bond conformation, tautomerism, protonation, metal complexation, and others.
Need more details? Or don’t know whether 15N may help your research? Please contact the METRIC NMR Team through MENDIX. We would be more than happy to discuss how 15N NMR can help advance your projects.
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