NC State Launches Universitywide Data Science Academy

NC State University today announced the launch of its Data Science Academy, a universitywide interdisciplinary effort to enhance a historic strength of the university and meet the growing needs of data science research, education and expertise in North Carolina and beyond.
“Data science is integrated in subject matter and research programs across all 10 NC State colleges and is part of our think and do mindset. At NC State, we believe data science is for everyone,” said Chancellor Randy Woodson. “Our Data Science Academy will enhance the infrastructure, expertise and services needed to more effectively drive data-intensive research discoveries, enhance industry partnerships, and better prepare all of our graduates to lead in a data-driven economy.”
The Data Science Academy builds on NC State’s longtime national leadership and expertise in data science. This has included the launch of one of the world’s largest data analytics companies; the world’s first master of science in analytics degree in the university’s Institute for Advanced Analytics; the Laboratory for Analytic Sciences; the Data Science Initiative; the Data-Driven-Science cluster; and dozens of other related initiatives. Learn about more of NC State’s current data science focused efforts here.
“Data science as a capability is increasingly required for success in today’s global economy across a wide variety of fields,” said Provost Warwick Arden. “The Data Science Academy will accelerate data-intensive discovery, teaching and service. The academy will be a key enabler for increasing skills, capability and involvement by faculty, students and staff, as well as industry and government partners.”
Starting in Fall 2021, the academy will begin providing courses available to all NC State students regardless of major, and will ultimately house a new interdepartmental undergraduate data science minor. The academy plans to provide a consulting center for all aspects of data science at NC State – offering a variety of services including tutorials, incubator and machine-shop services, analysis support, storage and high-performance computing solutions, and long-term collaborative research engagements. The academy will also house co-curricular activities such as workshops, seminars and short-course series. Additional programs and activities will be added in the near future.
At NC State, an academy identifies a true universitywide effort involving all 10 colleges. It encompasses multiple departments, centers and institutes and addresses all three pillars of the university’s land-grant mission: education, research and service to the state of North Carolina. In the months and years ahead, in collaboration with the implementation of NC State’s new strategic plan, additional academies are planned to be launched that focus on NC State’s key areas of strength and greatest benefit for North Carolina, the nation and the world.
Each academy will be overseen by an executive director and report to the Provost’s Office. A search is currently underway for the first executive director of the Data Science Academy.
This post was originally published in NC State News.