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Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program (RISF)

The Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) and the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science (KIETS) established the Strategic Research Initiative in 2010 — now known as the Research and Innovation Seed Funding (RISF) Program. The primary goal of RISF is to assist NC State researchers in developing innovative interdisciplinary programs that have strong potential for significant future external support from government agencies, corporations, industrial consortia or foundations.

Please Note: This program is closed for FY25

Program Highlights

This page describes the Fall 2023 (FY23-24) cycle of the RISF program.

Consistent with pre-pandemic RISF guidelines, FY23-24 proposals may encompass research focused on any topic area. Projects are particularly encouraged that align with NC State’s strategic research areas (Designing Healthy and Resilient Societies, Harnessing Data for Decision Making, Enriching the Human Experience, Creating Safe, Secure and Intelligent Systems, and Driving Food, Water and Energy Solutions).  Many, if not all, of NC State’s strategic research areas are well-aligned with federal research funding priorities that have been highlighted in recent documents released by the White House (e.g., critical and emerging technologies, multi-agency research and development priorities, sustainable advanced manufacturing).

Regardless of topic area, proposed projects must be new interdisciplinary initiatives that have a high potential for future external support.

New for FY23-24: Up to $75,000 of ORI/KIETS funds will be earmarked for each award

Program Timeline

  • Fall 2023 proposal deadline:  October 16, 2023 by 11:59 p.m., via RISF Submitter Dashboard NEW!
  • Fall 2023 funding decisions announced: December 2023
  • Fall 2023 cycle award period: ~ February 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025
  • Fall 2023 cycle report deadlines: February 28, 2025; February 28, 2026

RISF Documents


Is PINS submission required?

Yes, the RISF program utilizes a two-part submission process: (1) NC State PINS routing system and (2) electronic submission to the RISF program administrator via RISF Submitter Dashboard.

PINS routing does not have to be complete at time of submission via RISF Submitter Dashboard; however, PINS must have been initiated and the number must be entered to be accepted for review.

Are resubmissions allowed?

Yes, resubmissions are allowed under the RISF program.

Note that resubmissions must include a description detailing how previous reviewer comments and concerns have been addressed. See the RFP for further instructions.

What is the maximum allowable RISF request?

Investigators may request up to $75,000 in RISF funds, and a minimum 25% cost match will be required from internal or external sources.

For example, if $75,000 of RISF funds are requested, a match of at least $18,750 is required, resulting in a total project budget of $93,750.

Past Awards

The abstracts of previously awarded RISF projects are posted for the NC State community to review. A Unity ID is required to view these synopses.

Reporting Schedule

All RISF awardees are required to report the results of their research. Failure to complete a report in a timely manner makes you ineligible to apply for any internal seed funding from the Office of Research and Innovation. A detailed reporting schedule is posted for reference. A Unity ID is required to view the reporting schedule.

RISF Reviewer Dashboard

RISF reviews are conducted by the University Research Committee (URC). These members may access key review information by logging in to the reviewer dashboard. Members from the NC State community can view the reviewer dashboard; however, only URC members have access to proposal information.