KASP Assay Design
The user is responsible for their individual assay design and purchasing assays and mastermix. There are two mastermix + assay options available for genotyping SNPs. See here for predesigned KASP assays available from LGC.
LGC KASP By Design Service:
KASP by Design (KBD) service provides three KASP primers that are specific to the SNP or InDel of interest. The user is responsible for contacting LGC (Genomics.americas@lgcgroup.com) for pricing and assay design. LGC will ship the user three target-specific primers for an assay combined into a single tube. The aliquot contains enough for 5,000 reactions at 5 µL total reaction volume. The user is also responsible for purchasing KASP master mix from LGC.
3CR Biosciences PACE Assay Design:
3CR Biosciences offers a free assay design service that returns the designed oligo sequences and a prepopulated ordering form that can be submitted to IDT for purchasing primers. Please email support@3crbio.com for more information. The user is also responsible for purchasing PACE master mix from 3CR.
Reaction Assembly For Meridian
For dispensing in 384 well plate:
2X Master Mix= 814 uL
72X Assay Mix= 23 uL
Water= 791 uL