RNA Extractions
The GSL offers low-throughput (by hand) extraction of RNA from tissues. Please see our pricing page for more information on service costs.
The GSL is a Biosafety Level 1 genomics core managed under the regulations of NC State University teaching labs. We CANNOT accept human blood OR pathogenic tissue samples, due to potential risk to our staff and students. The GSL will not be held responsible for samples shipped to us in violation of this policy. For other providers, please contact us directly.
Submission Requirements

The GSL uses Qiagen Rneasy mini kits to perform on column total RNA extractions. Please specify species and tissue type in the submission form so we can use the best kit for these isolations (Plant, Fibrous Tissue, Lipid Tissue, etc.).
Please submit tissue samples in RNAlater (on wet ice) or snap frozen (on dry ice) in labeled, 1.7 mL tubes. See table for the recommended amounts of cells or tissue to provide. If using RNAlater, please reference the protocol here for proper use.
If NGS library preparation and sequencing is to be completed using these samples, a separate NGS submission form should be entered into our Lab Management System.