NGS Library Prep

The GSL offers a variety of sample library preparation services for Next Generation Sequencing on both Illumina and PacBio platforms:
Illumina Whole Genome Shotgun DNA libraries – Illumina Truseq Nano kit, up to 96 indexes
Illumina RNA libraries – NEB NEBNext Ultra II Direction RNA kit, polyA enriched, up to two, 96 index sets; 192 total. Contact us for alternate ribodepletion options and pricing.
Illumina 16S/ITS Amplicon libraries – 16S v3/v4 region, ITS1 region; pricing by block of 1-48 or 49-96 samples, with up to 384 Nextera indexes. Due to our submission volume, we currently do not offer custom amplicon library prep as a service, however if users provide us with amplicons that have a complimentary overhang for Illumina Nextera adapters we may be able to process using our existing workflow. Contact us for more information.
Illumina Hi-C library prep– Library prep from fresh/frozen tissue samples, utilizing a Phase Genomics Hi-C prep kit. Tissue submissions must BSL1 compliant.
10X Genomics 3’ Single Cell library prep –Local/regional submissions of live cells only – will not accept delivery shipment. Samples must comply with our BSL1 level requirements. Due to the nature of SC prep, in person coordination with GSL staff is required for cell viability counts. Contact Us for more information.
PacBio DNA libraries – PacBio SMRTbell DNA library prep, 4-10 kb or 15-20 kb fragment options
PacBio Iso-Seq RNA libraries – Isoseq Transcriptome library, 1 size fraction
PacBio Microbial Indexed DNA libraries – up to 12 indexes