Main GSL Facility

Covaris® ML230 Ultrasonicator
New !! – The GSL allows customer use of its newest Covaris® DNA shearing instrument. The Covaris ML230 focused ultrasonicator allows for parallel processing of up to 8 samples simultaneously, and is compatible with the AFA-TUBE conical style strip tubes with no thread or septa. Users can request training or schedule instrument time through our online Submission System.

BioRad CFX384 Real-Time PCR
The GSL allows customers to use the BioRad CFX384 Real-Time PCR after supervised training on the instrument has been completed. Trained users are given access to an online calendar where they can sign up for times to use the instrument. Customers are responsible for setting up their own reactions in a 384 well plate approved for use on the instrument and covered with an optical heat seal. Customers are charged a per plate fee for using the machine which covers the instrument’s service contract. Users can request training or schedule instrument through our online Submission System.

BioRad QX200 Droplet Reader
Droplet Digital PCR is a technology that provides absolute quantification of target DNA, or CDNA molecules, without the use of standard curves. Training for this instrument is intensive, however the GSL will coordinate with BioRad technical representatives in order to offer training at least once per semester. Trained users will be given access to an online calendar where they can sign up for instrument use time Customers are responsible for setting up their own reactions. Customers are charged a per sample fee that is used to cover the instrument’s service contract and droplet reader oil. Training and instrument use are available through our online Submission System.

Synergy H1 Hybrid Plate Reader
The GSL allows trained customers to use our Synergy H1 Hybrid Plate Reader after training on the instrument has been completed. Trained users are given access to an online calendar where they can sign up for a time to use the instrument. Customers are responsible for setting up their own reactions. Customers are charged a per plate fee for using the machine that is used to cover the instrument’s service contract. Training and instrument use are available through our online Submission System.

Qiagen TissueLyser
The Qiagen TissueLyser homogenizes tissue for nuclei acid extraction by utilizing high-speed mechanical shaking in conjunction with steel, tungsten carbide, or glass beads. The GSL instrument has 2 adapters which accommodate 24 – 1.7 ul microcentrifuge tubes for a total of 48 (24 x 2) samples. Training and instrument use are available through our online Submission System.

SPEX Geno/Grinder® 2010 -Tissue Homogenizer
The SPEX Geno/Grinder® is an automated high-throughput plant & animal tissue homogenizer and cell lyser, equipped with an adjustable clamp that accommodates a full range of sample vials from 2mL to 50mL centrifuge tubes or up to six deep-well titer plates. It is specifically designed for rapid cell disruption, cell lysis and tissue homogenization through bead beating. The Geno/Grinder can enable increased throughput and improved extraction efficiency and reproducibility over traditional sample preparation methods.
Users can request training and instrument time through our online Submission System. Users can download an instruction manual for this instrument, and may contact the company here for specific technical information.