Plant Genotyping Facility

SPEX Geno/Grinder® 2010 – Tissue Homogenizer
The SPEX Geno/Grinder® is an automated high-throughput plant & animal tissue homogenizer and cell lyser, equipped with an adjustable clamp that accommodates a full range of sample vials from 2mL to 50mL centrifuge tubes or up to six deep-well titer plates. It is specifically designed for rapid cell disruption, cell lysis and tissue homogenization through bead beating. The Gen/Grinder can enable increased throughput and improved extraction efficiency and reproducibility over traditional sample preparation methods. Users can request training and instrument time through our online Submission System Users can download an instruction manual for this instrument and may contact the company here for specific technical information..

Covaris S220 Ultrasonicator
The Covaris S220 Ultrasonicator uses focused acoustic energy to shear genomic DNA and chromatin samples to reproducible sizes. The Genotyping facility currently offers training on the Covaris instrument, and once complete, users can utilize an online calendar to sign up to use the instrument for an instrument usage fee. Protocols for shearing to a variety of size ranges from 150 to 5,000bp are available from Covaris. Users can request training and instrument time through our online Submission System

BioRad CFX Opus 384 Real-Time PCR
The GSL allows customers to use the BioRad CFX Opus 384 Real-Time PCR system after supervised training on the instrument has been completed. Trained users are given access to an online calendar where they can sign up for times to use the instrument. Customers are responsible for setting up their own reactions in a 384 well plate approved for use on the instrument and covered with an optical heat seal. Users can request training and schedule instrument time through our online Submission System

BioRad CFX Opus 96 Real-Time PCR
The GSL allows customers to use the BioRad CFX Opus 96 Real-Time PCR system after supervised training on the instrument has been completed. Trained users are given access to an online calendar where they can sign up for times to use the instrument. Customers are responsible for setting up their own reactions in a 96 well plate approved for use on the instrument and covered with an optical heat seal. Users can request training and schedule instrument time through our online Submission System

Meridian2 Dispenser
The Meridian2 liquid dispensing system provides a non-contact, on-the-fly dispenser suited to a wide range of dispensing applications, including reagents for genotyping and standard PCR. The GSL allows customers to use the Meridian to set up KASP assays after supervised training on the instrument has been completed. Trained users are given access to an online calendar where they can sign up for times to use the instrument. Customers are responsible for setting up their own reactions in a 384 well plate approved for use on the instrument. Users can request training and schedule instrument time through our online Submission System

PHERAstar FSX Plate Reader
The PHERAstar FSX plate reader is a multi-mode plate reader capable of luminescence and fluorescence detection. The Plant Genotyping Facility houses two PHERAstars to read KASP assay plates and analyze genotyping data with the Kluster Caller Software. The PHERAstar FSX can also be used to run fluorescence assays like Picogreen. Users can request training and schedule instrument time through our online Submission System