GSL News

The PacBio Sequel is here!
The GSL is currently taking orders for sequencing on the newest PacBio sequencing platform, the Sequel. We’ll be launching a promotional offer soon, so stay tuned! – Posted 3/28/2017

DNA sequencing for $4 bucks!
Did you know the GSL offers single-tube DNA sequencing for as little as $4.00 a reaction? Drop off samples by noon and you can receive same-day service. Unless you love filling out FedEx forms, drop by and support your on-campus sequencing center! – Posted 8/18/2015

The NextSeq is the Next Big Thing!
With help from the NC Biotech Center, the GSL now has a NextSeq 500 Desktop sequencer! This instrument has the sequencing power of the HiSeq combined with the short run-time and flexibility of the MiSeq. This platform is ideal for large RNAseq studies, or when looking for rare transcripts. Contact us to see if the NextSeq 500 is right for your project! – Posted 8/18/2015

Welcome the new members of the GSL!
We’re happy to announce the arrival of two new members of the NCSU Genomic Sciences laboratory – our new director, Dr. David (Andy) Baltzegar, and Kelly Sides, our new technician! Stop by the GSL and give them a warm welcome! – Posted 8/18/2015

Check out our new Bioinformatic Resource links!
At the GSL, our mission is to provide high-quality sequence data and excellent service. Although we don’t do bioinformatics, we’ve polled NC State research faculty to give us links to useful resources for hardware, software, and learning to help you find the tools you need. Check it out, along with the NC State Bioinformatic Research Center, which can provide expert consultation upon request. If you have a favorite tool that’s not on our list, let us know and we’ll update our page periodically with the latest and greatest! – Posted 8/18/2015

Featured Projects & Publications
Got a sequencing project with the GSL? Send us a photo of your organism (your own please) and a 100-200 word blurb and we’ll feature it on our website! Check us out each month to learn about some of the fantastic research being done at NC State! Have a recently published paper using GSL-supplied sequencing? Let us know and we’ll plug it on a new page coming soon! – Posted 8/18/2015