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Indirect Cost Waivers

Requesting less than the federally negotiated indirect costs (F&A) rate is discouraged. However, many programs require applying specific rates. This page shall serve as a growing repository of sponsor-capped or program-specific rates. Please direct all questions regarding this matter via email to Sherrie Settle,

Active Status

SponsorJustificationEffective DateRateBasisReference Code
Academic Course Design (aka Senior Design Projects)PDF08/09/200615%MTDCXSDP-06-015-MTDC
American Cancer SocietyPDF01/14/200220%OtherXACS-02-200-OTH
American Chemical Society PDF12/06/20050%OtherAChS-05-000-OTH
American Floral EndowmentPDF04/00/20010%OtherXAFE-01-000-XNA
BEA Idaho National Lab - Joint Faculty Agreement F&A WaiverPDF07/19/20070%OtherXBEA-08-000-XNA
BME Department SOPNA11/11/20050%OtherXBME-06-000-XNA
California Dairy Research FoundationPDF11/01/20000%OtherCDRF-01-000-XNA
Center MembershipsPDF10/01/201410.0%MTDCXXCM-14-100-MTDC
Citrus Research BoardPDF06/20/20190%OtherXCRB-19-000-XNA
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units Network (CESU)PDF06/12/200317.5%MTDCCESU-03-175-MTDC
COT Research Opportunity Seed FundNA12/20/20160%NAROSF-16-000-XNA
Cotton, Inc.PDF05/16/200115%TDCXXCI-01-150-TDC
Cotton, Inc. State Funded Programs OnlyPDF05/17/20050%OtherNCCI-05-000-XNA
CVM - Clinical TrialsPDF08/06/201328%TDCXCVM-13-028-TDC
Dairy Management, Inc. PDF07/01/20050%OtherXDMI-06-000-XNA
EPA - 319 Polluted Runoff Grants ProgramPDF05/17/200310%TFFAXEPA-03-010-TFF
Extension, Engagement and Economic Development Seed FundsNA03/06/20080%OtherEEED-08-000-OTH
Faculty Research and Professional Development FundNA01/09/20050%OtherFRPD-05-000-OTH
Golden Leaf FoundationPDF07/01/20010%OtherXGLF-02-000-XNA
Graduate Industrial Traineeship PDF08/21/200815%


Individual Fellowship Programs PDF10/11/2011   XIFP-12-xxx-xxx
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seed GrantsNA11/20/20230%OtherIESG-23-000-OTH
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)PDF08/25/20020%OtherXIPA-03-000-XNA
Morris Animal FoundationPDF01/25/20058%TDCXMAF-05-080-TDC
Muscular Dystrophy AssociationPDF07/01/20028%TDCXMDA-03-080-TDC
NASA Space Grant Program PDF04/30/20070%OtherNASA-07-000-XNA
NC Biotechnology CenterPDF03/11/20050%OtherNCBC-05-000-XNA
NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDACS)PDF02/07/20110%OtherNCDACS-11-000-OTH
NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)PDF01/06/201615%TDCXDEQ-16-015-TDC
NC Department of Health and Human Services PDF12/11/2015varies (see PDF)varies (see PDF)NCDHHS-15-010-TDC
NC Department of TransportationPDF04/08/201926%MTDCNCDT-19-260-MTD
NC DPIPDF01/21/201015%TDCNCDPI-10-015-TDC
NC Governor's Crime CommissionPDF01/01/20100%MTDCNCGCC-10-000-MTDC
NC Green Business FundPDF02/01/20085%OtherGREEN-08-050-OTH
NC Rural Economic Development CenterPDF04/07/20110%OtherNCREDC-11-000-OTH
NC Veterinary Medical Foundation PDF02/02/20070%OtherNCVM-07-000-XNA
NC State Sea Grant Administrative Account (MD/A-1)NA11/09/20040%OtherSEAG-04-000-OTH
NC State Standard MOA <$50KPDF05/05/201415%TDCXMOA-01-150-TDC
NCWRC - Wildlife Resources Comm.PDF06/30/20040%OtherNWRC-05-000-XNA
NIA - Graduate Student SupportPDF06/25/2013VAROtherNIAG-13-VAR-OTH
NIH - K-series ProgramsPDF12/02/19998%MTDCNIHK-00-080-TDC
NSF - IGERT ProgramPDF09/15/20018%OtherIGRT-02-080-OTH
ORNL - Joint Faculty AgreementPDF05/01/20010%OtherORNL-02-000-XNA
RTI USP - RTI International University Scholars ProgramNA01/05/20160%OtherRTIUSP-16-000-XNA
SBTDC - General Overhead DiscussionPDF12/02/20100%OtherSBTD-11-000-XNA
Smith Bucklin & Associates for United Soybean Board flow through projectsPDF4/17/20020%OtherUSB-02-000-OTH
UA - Urban Affairs Program WaiverPDF09/08/200315%TDCXXUA-04-150-TDC
United Soybean BoardPDF4/17/20020%OtherUSB-02-000-OTH
USDA - AFRI ProgramPDF10/01/200822%TFFAAFRI-09-220-TFF
USDA - Cooperative AgreementsPDF05/17/20030%OtherCOOP-03-000-OTH
USDA - National Institute of Food and AgriculturePDF12/16/201119%TFFANIFA-11-19-TFFA
USDA - National Institute of Food and AgriculturePDF12/16/201122%TFFANIFA-11-22-TFFA
USDA - National Institute of Food and AgriculturePDF12/16/201130%TFFANIFA-11-30-TFFA
USDA - National Resource Conservation ServicePDF01/26/200510%TDCNRCS-05-100-TDC
USDA - NRICGP and IFAFS ProgramsPDF03/01/200420%TFFANRIC-04-200-TFF
USDA - SARE ProgramPDF11/02/201610%TFFASARE-04-100-TFF
USDA - Special Research Projects (7USC3319)PDF12/16/20030%OtherXXSR-04-000-XNA
USDA - Task Ordering through NCARSPDF10/14/200310%TDCTASK-04-100-TDC
USDOE - GAANNPDF11/22/20020%OtherDOEG-03-000-XNA
USDOI - National Park Services CAPDF07/09/200214%MTDCXNPC-03-140-MTD
WRRI - Requesting Funds from WRRIPDF10/15/19990%OtherWRRI-00-000-XNA
WRRI - Urban Water Consortium FundingPDF03/01/2012VAROtherWRCM-12-VAR-XNA

Inactive Status

SponsorJustificationEffective DateRateBasisReference Code
CVM - Clinical TrialsPDFn/a28%TDCXCVM-11-280-TDC
Dairy Management, Inc.PDFn/a-0-OtherXDMI-02-000-XNA
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)PDFn/a10%MTDCXEDF-12-010-MTDC
NC Biotechnology CenterPDFn/a-0-OtherNCBC-01-000-XNA
NC Department of Transportation (Highway)PDFn/a20%MTDCNCDT-00-200-MTD
NC Department of Transportation (Rail)PDFn/a20%MTDCNCDT-94-200-MTD
NCDA Environmental Pesticide FundPDFn/a15%TDCNCDA-01-150-TDC
NCDENR - Urban & Community ForestryPDFn/a-0-OtherXUCF-04-000-XNA
NC SEO State Energy Office PDFn/a-0-OtherXSEO-01-000-OTH
NIA - Graduate Student SupportPDFn/aVAROtherNIAG-05-VAR-OTH
NSF - REU ProgramPDFn/a25%OtherXREU-02-250-OTH
USDA - NRICGP and IFAFS ProgramsPDFn/a19%TFFANRIC-02-190-TFF
WRRI - Urban Water Consortium FundingPDFn/aVAROtherWRR2-XX-VAR-VAR

Reference Code

The Reference Code above can be used in lieu of uploading an electronic version of the document into PINS by simply typing the code in the Justification box within PINS.

The Reference Code can be easily deciphered as follows:

  • The first four letters are the abbreviation for the justification, wherein X is a place holder and up to four letters are used to describe the justification
  • The following two numerals are the fiscal year in which the justification became effective; the following three numerals represent the rate and a decimal place should be considered preceding the last figure in the number
  • The last three letters represent the base on which the rate is applied and are abbreviated as: OTH – Other (something other than the following); MTD – Modified Total Direct Costs; TDC – Total Direct Costs; TFF – Total Federal Funds; XNA – Not applicable (because the rate is zero)