Step 5: Closing a Study/IACUC Protocol
At the end of your 3-year approval period or if you decide to close your IACUC protocol at an earlier date, a Final Animal Usage Submission must be filled out and submitted to the IACUC office through RED to deactivate the protocol. This form allows you to enter how many total animals were used to support this work and if any complications were reported. New 3-year rewrites will not be approved until the final animal usage document has been received in the IACUC office.
Expired protocols and federal funding
PIs receive 90, 60 and 30-day notices that their IACUC application is due to expire. The IACUC cannot extend approval of a protocol beyond its expiration date. Animal use under an expired protocol is a violation of federal regulations and NC State University policy.
A 10-day notice is sent prior to expiration with the intent that the PI will arrange with the appropriate facility manager to transfer any animals in-house to a Holding Protocol at this time to avoid reportable non-compliance.
Animals held under a Holding Protocol will not be available for manipulation by the research staff. Breeding activities performed by facility staff must be given prior approval by the UAV arranged with the facility manager.