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Project Information and Navigation System (PINS)

PINS is an electronic system used to track proposal data and to verify approvals from all faculty and administrators involved in submitting a particular proposal. The use of the PINS system is a required part of the submission process for all proposals submitted by all university faculty.

Research Enterprise Data (RED)

The Research Enterprise Data (RED) system is an enterprise-level software system used for managing research administration at NC State, which has replaced the legacy system RADAR — and will eventually replace PINS and NC State’s regulatory-compliance software management systems.

Sponsored Research Activity Reporting (SRAR)

The Sponsored Research Activity Reporting (SRAR) viewer includes all data from both RADAR (historical) and RED (active). SRAR leverages SAS Visual Analytics to support trend reporting, including date-limited and multi-year reports.

eIRB System

If you would like to submit a new study for IRB approval, a revision request for an already approved study or a request for continuing review, please complete your request via the online eIRB system.

Cayuse 424 Proposal Development

Cayuse is a web application that was designed to simplify the creation, review, approval and electronic submission of grant proposals through


TEARS is The Employee Activity Reporting System (Effort Reporting).

Chartfield Request

The Chartfield Request System is used to request a new segment or make modifications to a segment.

Project Closeout

Project Closeout for final reporting and documentation for Sponsored Projects are electronically routed in the Closeout system to the various business units for processing, review, and approval.

Faculty Asset Search Tool

To be in compliance with OMB Uniform Guidance (UG), faculty must certify that a search was completed within University inventory for available assets before purchasing new assets for a sponsored project. Faculty may use the Faculty Asset Search Tool to complete and certify these searches.

Project Modification Request (PMR)

The PMR system streamlines prior approval requests from the department/PI to the College Research Office. Upon approval, the request will route to C and G or Sponsored Programs, depending on the type of request.

Wolf Reports

The Wolfpack Reporting System was designed to create a “one-stop shop” for many reporting applications available for campus use as well as various application links on the same menu. The system includes customer-friendly reports (converted WOLF and Faculty Accounting Reports) that retrieve information from Financial Reporting in a form that helps you see the big picture, explore details, and make decisions. Using these reports, you will be able to see daily account status and transaction information quickly and easily in an organized spreadsheet format. You can also connect to various application links from the same menu.

PI Portal

The PI Portal provides a listing of each PrincipaI Investigator’s projects (active and inactive), alerts, and project-specific information.

Distribution Setup (HR)

Redistributions are used to adjust monthly and biweekly payroll charges, including salary and benefits, made in previous periods.


SPARCS uses REPORTER to assign and track certain compliance training requirements. By logging into REPORTER you will be able to view all of your assigned courses.