Human Subjects (IRB)
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) protects participant welfare by reviewing research proposals that involve humans to ensure that the planned research activities are ethical in practice and compliant with the federal regulations governing research with human subjects.
Our Mission
The mission of the NC State University IRB office is to advocate for and protect human subjects participating in research by working with investigators to facilitate ethical and compliant research. The IRB values beneficence, justice, and respect for persons. We operationalize these values by practicing transparency, collaboration, education, and communication with researchers and participants.
What We Do and How We Do It
We review all proposed research through the lenses of ethics and compliance before it is implemented by NC State University researchers. As part of this review process, the IRB asks what the research is about, why the research is important, and how the researcher plans to carry out the project — including who the study participants will be, how the data will be collected and stored, and a number of other important details.
Our office maintains common-sense administrative policies to promote the efficient and effective review of all proposed research involving humans. We educate and train others in practical ethics, legal compliance, and social justice as it relates to research with humans — aiming to minimize risks and maximize benefits. We intervene, when necessary, in research to serve as a participant advocate and an accountability board.
Throughout the research process, the IRB serves as an advocate for all people in research, while also serving as the regulatory body that holds researchers accountable to ethical and compliant standards when completing research with human subjects.
FWA and IRB Registration
FWA: 00003429
IRB Board Registration: 00000330
I-ORG: 0000200
IRB Lifecycle
Step 1: Determining if Approval is Required

- Definitions of Research and Human Subjects Research
- Types of IRB Review/Approval Explained
- Interactive Decision Tool: Do I need approval, and if so, what type?
- Just-In-Time Approval “JIT” and .118 Determinations
- External Researchers, Targeting NC State Populations
Step 2: Preparing and Submitting an Application

- How to Submit an Application through the eIRB system
- What to Include in Your Application
- Submission Tips and Guidance
- How to use the eIRB System
Step 3: Application Review Process

- How the Initial Review Process Works
- Additional Reviews
- Review and Approval Turnaround Time
Step 4: Responsibilities After Initial Approval

- Requesting an Amendment or Renewal
- Additional Requirements for Clinical Trials or DoD Research Activities
- Reporting a Complaint, Concern, Problem, Adverse Event or Noncompliance
Step 5: Close a Study

- When and How to Close a Study
Request Assistance from the IRB
- Report a Concern or a Complaint About a Study
- Report Noncompliance
- Request a Letter
- Request a Rushed Review Process
- Anonymously Report an Issue
- Request Not Human Subjects Research Determination